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Coffee News from Seattle

Two stories this morning out of the Emerald City. First, the exhibit “Coffee: the World in Your Cup” reported on in the current issue of Barista Magazine opened at the Burke Museum of Natural History […]

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Wild Weather Wrecks another Weekend?

Oy. Well sure, the snow’s gone, but now here in the Great Northwest, we’re under the influence of the Pineapple Express. No, not this Pineapple Express, but this one. So the 40-year record snowfall we’ve […]

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P-Town in the Times

Fabulous Portland Oregon, home of Barista Magazine and the amazing Trail Blazers among other terrific things, is receiving some national attention once again for its coffee scene as the New York Times reports here. And […]

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Coffee as Art, Part II

Sure, you’ve seen the coffee-on-a-napkin art, but what’s the status in the art world of the process of making coffee itself? And what about the artistry of the barista? Well a new installation at the […]

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Who's Better, Who's Best

I think it’s always interesting to see what people outside of the coffee industry think when presented with high-quality coffee, or what they believe is good coffee. So this list from Digital City of the […]

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Best of Luck

If you’re a sports fan, you already know that it’s been an amazing baseball season in Tampa. The Rays, worst team in the Major Leagues last year, are now one game away from winning their […]

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Grist for the Mill

When we lived in Seattle, I worked on a project for, an online magazine of environmental news, so I was very pleased to see this recent story on Slow Food Nation and specifically about […]