Had Enough of New York City?
Hope not. The Big Apple continues to shine, and independent coffee shops are getting their well-deserved props. As New York scene continues to boom, Time Out New York has just published a guide to anyone […]
Hope not. The Big Apple continues to shine, and independent coffee shops are getting their well-deserved props. As New York scene continues to boom, Time Out New York has just published a guide to anyone […]
Countdown with Keith Olbermann broke the story last night. To be fair, the bikini baristas were provoked. Baristas in Parkland, Wash., who work in their bikinis because, um…, well maybe they also are beach volleyball […]
What’s it been like a week since there was a Starbucks-related post here? Well no fear, the Seattle Times is out today with a new story on the thriving independent coffee shop scene relative to […]
So it’s not exactly Snake Plissken entering the maximum security prison of Manhattan to rescue the President like in the classic 1981 flick. But according to the New York Times, several big-name specialty coffee roasters […]
Well I’m getting a little tired of writing about Starbucks, but it seems the company is not done making news. First up, the Associated Press reports that after closing 600 U.S. stores, 1,000 corporate workers […]
What’s most interesting to me, reading this story in the New York Times is not the heavy-on-the-snark tone the writer adopts. That, when dealing with Starbucks, is only too easy, though admittedly fun, to do. […]
So a couple of days ago my father-in-law asked if we had seen the new issue of Wired yet. It’s one of my favorite magazines, and since my father-in-law loves geeky tech stuff as much […]
Pretty cool coverage for Bikes to Rwanda. It’s a segment from MTV on the ping pong tournament for BTR at Ritual. Click on the image below to see the video or follow this link: http://think.mtv.com/044FDFFFF0098A132001700990CF8/
Cylon invasion? Series cancellation? Well, I guess it’s not quite the same as humanity being decimated by a nuclear assault by the mechanical armies of its own creation, but it’s news nonetheless as a bad […]
Following up on Gabe’s great report on home cupping with Andrew, Chris and Drew, some of our favorite Bay Area coffee companies are getting rave reviews from the San Francisco Chronicle. Ritual, Weavers, Blue Bottle, […]
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