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Barista Nation

What’s up, 2012?

Hey hi ho! Welcome to 2012, which we at Barista Magazine can promise is going to be chock full of awesomeness of the coffee variety! One of the big reasons I’m confident in saying that […]

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Barista Guild

Wednesday at Camp

The sun is out and camp is off to a busy start. Classes actually started at 7 this morning because we have so many campers here who are trying to reach their BGA certifications and […]

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Barista Guild

Do Your Part: Vote!

This is a special message to all Barista Guild of America members from BGA Chair Scott Lucey: Hey BGA members, don’t forget it’s election time! There’s only two days left to cast your vote for […]

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Barista Guild

Good Morning, Campers!

Well, there should be photos and blog posts from the event on the ground in Galina, Calif., but Sarah is having a hard time getting a working internet feed. That said, she wanted me to […]

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Barista Guild

Send a Barista to Camp!

Welcome to the first Camp Pull-A-Shot video contest! For a few weeks now, we have been accepting submissions of short videos by baristas from anywhere in the U.S. The subject matter? Why these baristas think […]