10 Minutes With...

10 Minutes With Sam Schroeder

Sam Schroeder Retail Director & Co-Owner Olympia Coffee Roasting Co. Olympia, Washington What other coffee jobs have you had? Java Bean, Barista, 2000 “2003, Seattle, Washington Olympia Coffee Roasting Co., basically every title at one […]

10 Minutes With...

10 Minutes With Sean Kohmescher

Sean Kohmescher CEO Temple Coffee Roasters Sacramento, California What other coffee jobs have you had? I had a lawn-mowing business growing up while growing up in Edmond, Oklahoma; Coffee making for a café in San […]

10 Minutes With...

10 Minutes With Zaida Mikayla Dedolph

Zaida Mikayla Dedolph Retail Manager, Old Town Intelligentsia Coffee Chicago, Illinois What other coffee jobs have you had? Director of Operations at Time Bandits LLC (the parent company for Halfwit Coffee Roasters, the Wormhole Coffee, […]

10 Minutes With...

10 Minutes with Steve Kessler

Steve Kessler Director of Wholesale Operations Anodyne  Coffee Roasting Company Milwaukee, Wisconsin What other coffee jobs have you had? I’ve done a little bit of everything really. I was a barista/sandwich guy at Bagels & […]

10 Minutes With...

10 Minutes with Roukiat Delrue

Roukiat Delrue @RoukiD ¢ National Bodies Manager, World Coffee Events ¢ CQI Q Services Manager, Coffee Quality Institute ¢ Independent Coffee Consultant ¢ Big-time volunteer! What other coffee jobs have you had? Interpreter for coffee […]

10 Minutes With...

10 Minutes with Mike McKim

Mike McKim @mikemckim Founder & CEO Cuvee Coffee Austin, Texas What other coffee jobs have you had? Regional Sales Manager at Espresso Specialists, Inc., Seattle, Washington What’s your favorite part about working in coffee? When […]

10 Minutes With...

New Series! 10 Minutes With…

Dear Barista Magazine’s loyal blog readers, Happy new year! We’re excited to ring in 2014 with extended coverage of our favorite part of the specialty-coffee culture: people! Alas, we only have six magazine covers a […]