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Coffee Producers

Give a Green Gift to Kenyan Farmers

In an email I received from Diana Roach of ACDI/VOCA,I was thrilled to learn that the organization’s “The Greenest Gift” program has raised $6,000 so far! But there is still a ways to go ”the […]

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The Good, the Bad and the Sad

Well, I guess I don’t know about the middle label, but here are a few stories around the world of coffee that I found interesting today. First, here’s a story from Boston about a couple […]

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Bean There Bike Ride in Jo-burg

I met Sarah Robinson, who co-owns Bean There Coffee Roasting in Johannesburg, South Africa, with her brother, Jonathan, earlier this year in Rwanda. We were both in Kigali to attend the East African Fine Coffee […]

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Coffee Producers

Coffee Producers Invade Portland!

How lucky am I? I just spent the whole day tagging along with 11 awesome coffee producers from Costa Rica, Colombia, Kenya, and El Salvador visiting Portland cafes, thanks to an invitation from my pals […]

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Our Friends Rock

Checking my email first thing in the morning is one of my favorite parts of the day, because I’m bound to find messages about jams coming up, folks coming to visit and exciting things going […]

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White is the new black?

A quick little story out of the UK today, it seems that according to reporting in the Independent the fastest growing drink segment in cafés is a 6-8oz cup with 2-3 shots and a little […]

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The Three Bs

Time Out New York says the market (and the public’s perception) is rapidly changing for three hot jobs. Before they were the object of magazine profiles and reality shows, chefs were considered little more than […]

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Six grand and go

Here’s a story from CNN today about a woman in Boston, Lucy Valena, who just opened her own coffee company, Voltage Coffee, a mobile espresso catering gig, with $2,000 of her own money and a […]

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Barista Jet Setter – Australian Version

The Age, a newspaper in Melbourne, Australia, recently had a quick chat about traveling the world with Scottie Callaghan, 2007 Australian Barista Champion. Scottie says the coolest coffee bars are in Norway, but the country […]