San Francisco!
Long story short: the Barefoot folk throw a damn fine BBQ. They wore me out so I crashed early, but Clara kept going. A true champ. So we woke up at the leisurely hour of […]
Long story short: the Barefoot folk throw a damn fine BBQ. They wore me out so I crashed early, but Clara kept going. A true champ. So we woke up at the leisurely hour of […]
We do! We’ve been doing a LOT of driving, oftentimes with some pretty crazy and random directions (thank you, Google maps). I haven’t blogged since yesterday — Monday — morning, when we were getting out […]
Bikes to Rwanda/Barista Magazine Road Trip Days #2 and #3: Excuse me for not blogging yesterday but there’s barely cell service in Mendocino/Fort Bragg, much less Internet, but the views make it more than worth […]
Clara Seasholtz, Executive Director of Bikes to Rwanda (BTR), and I ”Sarah Allen, BTR Board member and editor of Barista Magazine ”are hitting the road bound for Northern California! This crazy idea came about when […]
Sarah and I are back in our hotel room, munching on cheap pizza before we fall into a deep jet-lagged slumber. But to be back means that we first went out, and we did. In […]
Doing any sort of traveling demands many hours perusing the SkyMall catalog, and it’s always amazing just what is for sale at 30,000 feet. In previous years, hot dog cookers have been popular with multiple, […]
What a freakin blast the last six days were. I spent them in Berkeley, Calif., my hometown and where my parents, Steve and Leanne, still live. I was there for two reasons: to attend and […]
Thanks to one of the bestest bands ever, Magnetic Fields, I had the song “Washington, D.C.” (from the record, 69 Love Songs, Volume 2) spinning in my head for all of last weekend, as we […]
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