There are two pieces of cool news in this post, and yes, I’m biased, but I think the best one is that COFFEE FEST IS COMING TO PORTLAND! Hooray! Since the SCAA is landing in Seattle for its 2014 and 2015 shows, Coffee Fest organizers decided to spread the love to the southern part of the Pacific Northwest, and host its annual fall show in Portland both in 2014 and 2015.

You maybe already know that Barista Magazine lives here in Portland, Ore., and as a representative of this amazing coffee city, I can promise you we will treat you right when you come visit for Coffee Fest! Portlanders love things like beer, bikes, coffee, parties, community, public transportation, cheap things, awesome food. It’s why I live here and totally should factor into why you should come here!
OK? We’ll see you in fall 2014 for Coffee Fest Portland? Mark that calendar: October 17 “19, 2014.
Yes, there are more reasons you should come, and one of the biggest is that the super popular America’s Best Coffeehouse Competition ”which launched only one year ago and has already become one of the most active and popular competitions in our industry ”will host its first national championship at Coffee Fest Portland in 2014.

See, up until this point, the America’s Best Coffeehouse contests being held at each of Coffee Fest’s three annual events was a regional thing: Klatch Coffee in San Dimas won the America’s Best Coffeehouse prize for the Western Region of the United States and Western Canada when the company won first place at Coffee Fest Seattle in the fall of 2012. Peregrine Espresso out of Washington, D.C., reigned supreme at Coffee Fest New York in March of 2013, which earned them the distinction of best coffeehouse in the Eastern United States and Eastern Canada. And in June at Coffee Fest Chicago, Ipsento ”located right there in Chicago ”won the title and the merit of being the best coffeehouse in the Central U.S. and Central Canada.

Now here’s where it got a little confusing for me, so I’m going to try to explain it as well as I can: Coffee Fest Seattle (October 4 “6, 2013) will host another Western Regional of the America’s Best Coffeehouse Competition; Coffee Fest New York (March 7 “9, 2014) will host another Eastern Regional; and Coffee Fest St. Louis (May 30 “June 1) will host the Central Regional.
Then, at Coffee Fest Portland (October 17 “19, 2014), “the America’s Best Coffeehouse 2013/2014 Grand Champion will be crowned when each of six regional champions will come together in Portland at Coffee Fest for what is sure to be the championship competition of the ages,” says the official release from Coffee Fest.

Is your cafe operated in the Western Region and are you interested in competing? Well, apply already! Applications for the America’s Best Coffeehouse Western Regional Championship ”which will take place at Coffee Fest Seattle October4 “6, 2013 ”will be accepted through August 6! Go HERE for more information.

So that’s the scoop! America’s Best Coffeehouse Competition is blowin’ up! Stay tuned for more information as it’s released!
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