There are so many reasons we all love the specialty-coffee industry, and the many opportunities to mingle with our intelligent, funny, witty, thoughtful peers is high among them. There are two international conferences coming up that will be all-brains-all-day, that is to say, hella highbrow. Check ’em out:
September 8 “14, 2013
Armenia, Colombia
The Association for Science and Information on Coffee (ASIC) is a permanent organization which periodically brings together specialists from all over the world working in the different fields of coffee science and technology, giving them the opportunity to present and compare their investigations. ASIC encourages and coordinates research to contribute to a better use of coffee and its derivatives and to the improvement of coffee quality in the mutual interest of producers, wholesalers, industrialists and consumers.
The conference takes place in a different producing country each year.The Colombian Coffee Federation is proud to host it in 2013. To find out about the 2012 ASIC, which was held in Costa Rica, go here. Conference and registration for this year’s event will be available soon. Stay tuned to the Colombian Coffee Federation.

November 20 “22, 2013
Seoul, Korea
This first international coffee forum in Asia will address the topic of “Global Coffee Industry Trends and Challenges of the Asian Market.” Here is a list of the confirmed speakers so far:
¢ Robert F. Nelson (National Coffee Association, USA)
¢ Santiago Pardo (Colombian Coffee Growers Federation, Colombia)
¢ Morten Wennersgaard (Nordic Approach Imports, Norway)
¢ Christian Bunn (International Center for Tropical Agriculture, Germany) – Dr. Flavio Meira Borem (Federal University of Lavras, Brazil)
¢ Cate Batson Baril (Sustainable Harvest Coffee Imports, USA)
¢ Mark Furniss (VolCafe, UK)
¢ Susie Spindler (Cup of Excellence, USA)
¢ Xinia Chaves Quiros (Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock, Costa Rica)

Registration will open in the coming weeks. Stay tuned to the official website for news.