In the vein of not taking oneself too seriously, here’s a project any coffee and/or gadget nerd will enjoy… because I’m betting you often find yourself in the position of wanting to watch, say, “Gossip Girl” or “Top Gear” on your iPhone, but it’s just too much work to hold the phone at the correct angle to watch them. Right? And to continue with my theory, you are most often found in this position while in a cafe. Stiil right? Then keep reading.
It’s DIY season, friends ”I just got my yarn out and started knitting again the other day (I toss the hobby aside in the summer). It’s too rainy and cold and, face it, depressing outside to do much of anything, so you come up with ways to entertain yourself inside. Maybe I’m projecting a little, but go with me on this one.
Back to the phone/TV conundrum: iPhone meet Sleeve!

Watch this quickie how-to video on Made to learn how to DIY
[youtube OSpStu9DSsE&hl 425 344]