First Northwest Coffee Educators Conference: April 4-5 in Seattle!

It is with great excitement that we’re announcing the news of the First Northwest Coffee Educators’ Summit, which is scheduled to take place April 4 “5 in Seattle at La Marzocco’s HQ.

Save the Date Educators Summit

The brainchild of Batdorf & Bronson’s Ben Jones (also of Annotated Press fame), plans for the conference have been in the works for a few months now. Ben reached out to Nathanael May of Portland Roasting, Brandon Paul Weaver of Slate Coffee  and Matte&Gloss, Laila Ghambari of Cherry Street Coffee House, Ryan Willbur of La Marzocco, Michael Ryan of Caffe Ladro, Joshua Boyt of Metronome Coffee & Victrola Coffee, Ryan Cross of Ristretto Roasters, Byron Betts of Victrola Coffee, Ben Schultz of Ristretto Roasters, Alex LittleJohn of Curtis, Panda of Espresso Parts, and yours truly at Barista Magazine, for help with the program development and planning.

Everyone’s been really excited to put together a super grassroots event of whose nature has never existed before. This will be a conference by coffee educators, for coffee educators. The goal is to discuss training methods and philosophies, share insights and ideas, build community among educators so they can collaborate in the future for the good of the industry, and engage in lectures on current topics in coffee education.

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We’re also gonna have a party, yo.  Matte&Gloss representing. Even if you’re not attending the conference, you’re invited to the party on Friday, April 4, at Cherry Street Coffee House. Exact location, time, and more details to be announced soon.

Matte&Gloss will be bartending at the party April 4, hosted by Barista Magazine and Cherry Street.
Matte&Gloss will be bartending at the party April 4, hosted by Barista Magazine and Cherry Street.

Registration will be limited; the organizers want to keep the number small enough that intense engagement and learning can take place. Stay tuned for registration opening. Cost will be as low as we can keep it (no one’s making money off of this event ”it’s all about collaborating and learning), and La Marzocco has been super generous in offering up their space in Ballard for there 2-day conference, and is even providing lunch!

So get excited! And save the date. We hope to see you at the 1st Northwest Coffee Educators’ Summit!

About Sarah 941 Articles
Sarah Allen (she/her) is co-founder and editor of Barista Magazine, the international trade magazine for coffee professionals. A passionate advocate for baristas, quality, and the coffee community, Sarah has traveled widely to research stories, interact with readers, and present on a variety of topics affecting specialty coffee. She also loves animals, swimming, ice cream, and living in Portland, Oregon.