By now you should have heard about the awesome coffee event that is being organized by some coffee-loving Canadians, including, and headed by, those loveable Barbers, Reg and his daughter, Julia. The event is called For the Love of Coffee, and will take place August 27 and 28 at the Crystal Gardens in the dramatically beautiful city of Victoria, B.C.

“For the Love of Coffee is geared towards professional baristas, industry representatives and coffee enthusiasts alike,” says Julia. “Hosting this event is the Western Canadian Coffee Collective society, a not-for-profit organization created to support local cafes and create awareness of the specialty coffee industry.”

This festival will form the backdrop of the Western Canadian Barista Championship, the most prominent coffee competition in the region. Other exciting events such as the first International Pairs Competition, Canada’s first Brewer’s Cup and various other coffee-related competitions will provide a venue to interact with some of the biggest names in coffee today. Some such invited guests include former World Barista Championship winners, international competition judges and world-class industry professionals.
¢ The Brewer’s Cup is a new specialty coffee competition designed to emphasize excellence in single-cup brewing techniques. This is the first time this great competition event is being held in Canada! For more informtation on the event’s design and rules, please visit the World Brewer’s Cup page.
¢ The International Pairs Invitational is the unique competition feature at the For the Love of Coffee event. The Pairs Invitational promotes teamwork, excellence in espresso preparation, and competition in a realistic cafe work environment. Competitors work in pairs to produce beverages in rapid sequence. For more information on the event’s rules, please refer to the PairsRules.docx.
Julia has reserved a room block at the Chateau Victoria, which is a nice hotel close to the Crystal Gardens (note: details are still being finalized, so check the official website in days coming for more details prior to making reservations). Chateau Victoria is also where the final night party for the event will be held, on Sunday evening, Aug. 28.
Schedule of events:
Saturday, Aug. 27
11 a.m. “ 5 p.m.: Western Canadian Barista Championship (WCBC), Round One, Day One
11 a.m. “ 5 p.m.: Canadian Brewer’s Cup (CBC), Round One, Day One
11 a.m. “ 5 p.m.: For the Love of Coffee Show Floor Open
5:30 p.m.: WCBC and CBC announcement of finalists
6 “8:30 p.m.: International Pairs Invitational
9 p.m.: International Pairs Invitational Awards Ceremony
Sunday, Aug. 28
11 a.m. “ 5 p.m.: For the Love of Coffee Show Floor Open
11 a.m. “ 2 p.m.: WCBC and CBC Finals Round
3 p.m.: WCBC and CBC Awards Ceremony
Evening: PARTY!
For more developments and details, please stay tuned to the official For the Love of Coffee website! See you in Victoria!
my mum wanted to know something about this, ill point them to your webpage, thank you