Happy Humpday, with love from our friends at Espresso Parts!

The goodies don't stop there: this week's Humpday Giveaway winner not only gets to choose from these three shirts, but also wins 2 of these limited edition pint glasses!
Picture you in this shirt.
Picture yourself in this shirt!

Happy happy Humpday everyone! That’s right: you’ve officially made it to the middle of the week and are now that much closer to the weekend. What better way to celebrate than to play Barista Magazine’s Humpday Giveaway Contest?

Or this shirt!
Or this shirt!

Our pals at Espresso Parts certainly agree โ€that’s why they’ve donated one heck of a prize for this week’s Humpday Giveaway: Check it! You get to choose from these three radical Espresso Parts tshirts (the winner will let us know the shirt they want and their size) and two limited edition pint glasses!

Or perhaps this shirt!
Or perhaps this shirt!

Whaaaat? Are you kidding me? What a prize! Thanks, Espresso Parts!

The goodies don't stop there: this week's Humpday Giveaway winner not only gets to choose from these three shirts, but also wins 2 of these limited edition pint glasses!
The goodies don’t stop there: this week’s Humpday Giveaway winner not only gets to choose from these three shirts, but also wins 2 of these limited edition pint glasses!

As I was chatting with the awesome Matt Myer at Espresso Parts and he was detailing these amazing prizes, it occurred to us that we should totally have this week’s Humpday question be about Colin Whitcomb’s killer article “Coffee Cocktails” from the February/March issue! Inspired of course by the pint glasses, here’s this week’s Humpday Giveaway trivia question:

Question: We here at Barista Magazine love a pint of good beer as much as the next person, but when it comes to liquor: Cora Lambert talks about a certain liqueur that she was introduced to on a trip to Italy that inspired an awesome coffee cocktail. Name that liqueur!

Alright, y’all know how this game works, right? Leave your answer to the question in the comments section of this here blog (previously we were accepting answers on Barista Mag’s Facebook and Twitter, but we’ve changed things up and ask that you ONLY submit your answers here on the blog). All folks who answer correctly between now and midnight PDT will be entered into a drawing. Around 10 a.m. tomorrow, we’ll draw one lucky name from the hat, and bingo! That person will win the amazing prize! An awesome tshirt from Espresso Parts and two limited edition pint glasses!

Don’t have the February/March issue of Barista Magazine handy? No problem: just check it out for free online HERE and find that trivia question answer!

As always, thanks for playing! And let’s give it up again for the totally tubular folks at Espresso Parts for donating this week’s Humpday Giveaway prize!

humpday logo jpg

About Sarah 941 Articles
Sarah Allen (she/her) is co-founder and editor of Barista Magazine, the international trade magazine for coffee professionals. A passionate advocate for baristas, quality, and the coffee community, Sarah has traveled widely to research stories, interact with readers, and present on a variety of topics affecting specialty coffee. She also loves animals, swimming, ice cream, and living in Portland, Oregon.


  1. Nocino!

    I don’t even know what that sh*t is, BUT, I’m sure it’s tasty in a EP Pint glass while wearing a comfy heather grey Jolley Roger T-Shirt. Mmmmm soo soft.

  2. And the answer is…. Nocino. Thanks for laying out a dope prize espressoparts!

  3. Nocino – I used a non-alcoholic Campari soda in my SERBC routine. To largely mixed reviews. Less soda more espresso:)

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