It’s amazing how many people think Ken and I must be these great baristas ourselves because we have a magazine about great baristas. I don’t see the logic. I mean, back when I was a music critic for the Oakland Tribune in the Bay Area, it was widely understood throughout the music industry that those who couldn’t, criticized. I would wax poetic about Elliott Smith in story after story, even though I didn’t learn to play guitar until several years later. And even then, I would only play when I was alone in my apartment. I stuck to what I was good at.

As the owners of Barista Magazine, Ken and I have made sure we know the nitty gritty about our subject matter. We’ve both taken lessons in both formal and informal settings on all things espresso; we cup all the time, and we basically do what we need and want to in order to stay current with you geniuses out there. But when Phuong asked Ken if he wanted to pour in the latte art smackdown at the Zoka party on Friday, the answer was, of course, “Oh hell no.” We would always much rather watch you guys work your magic than take a stab at it ourselves. We are writers for a reason.
In the executive offices of Barista Magazine (sounds fancy, huh?), we are masters of the French press. We are king and queen of the pour over. This is how we roll.

And now, with Wondo in hand and “Roman Candle” in my ears, it’s back to work for me. xoxo sarah