Humpday Giveaway Winner! #20 (July 10 Edition)

Man, you guys have style! Tons of you played Humpday Giveaway this week on Barista Magazine’s blog, all for a chance to win one of these totally sexy and mega stylin’ coffee paddles made by Emily Brock of Board and Bread.

This coffee paddle is the one-of-a-kind prize for the winner of this week's Humpday Giveaway!
This coffee paddle is the one-of-a-kind prize for the winner of this week’s Humpday Giveaway!

Emily crafts each of these coffee paddles from Oregon Black Walnut, carefully shaping them by hand to a length of about 9 inches. Then she smooths her own blend of beeswax over the whole thing to seal it, and last but not least, she threads a loop of leather through a small hole at the top so you can easily hang the paddle when not in use.

The paddles have myriad uses, including agitation during brew process, serving, and more.
The paddles have myriad uses, including agitation during brew process, serving, and more.

These babies retail for $32 each ”and they’re totally worth every penny. Many of you said that if you don’t win the paddle in this week’s Humpday Giveaway, you’re going to buy one of Emily’s works of art, and that’s great! But now, let’s find out who the lucky winner of a handcrafted coffee paddle is for this week’s Humpday Giveaway…

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The trivia question was:

What was the nickname of Reg Barber’s first workshop?

And the answer?


We sourced this week’s Humpday Giveaway question from the Master Q+A article on Reg Barber in the June+July issue of Barista Magazine.

Loads of you got the answer right, and you typed it into the comments section here on the blog, along with your full name. We tallied all the folks with the correct answer, put all the names in a cup, and drew one name out ”this would be the winner of the gorgeous coffee paddle from Board and Bread.

More than 80 of you participated in this week's Humpday Giveaway contest!
More than 80 of you participated in this week’s Humpday Giveaway contest!

And the winner is…

Congratulations, Tony!
Congratulations, Tony!

Congratulations, TONY QUIERO! We’ll be contacting you shortly for your address so we can get your coffee paddle in the mail right away! And to the rest of you, thanks for playing! Be sure to play Humpday Giveaway next Wednesday ”and every Wednesday ”for awesome prizes from the coffee industry!




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Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.