Keeping Up With Kyle

I feel like a kinda loser that I’m only just now figuring out what the Black Cat Project is. Note: it is not this:


I remember seeing this tricked out Kees at Intelligentsia’s SCAA booth — shit, it was sexy. But now that I’ve actually discovered the link ” ”I’m finally figuring out that it’s about much more than a machine. They (Intelli-nauts) say it is the never-ending pursuit to reinvent espresso on the website, and there’s even a mission statement and everything. Also photos of that bad-ass machine. But MY favorite part of the site is the blog, dutifully maintained and updated primarily by Mr. Australia, Deaton Pigot, is the BLOG, which I shall call here the All Things Kyle Glanville Prepping for the WBC Blog. It’s awesome.


There are behind-the-scenes photos galore. For example, the photo of all Kyle’s equipment smashed from the rough trip back to L.A. That would piss anyone off except, I guess, the guy who won. No, actually, he’s probably pissed off, too. And yes, that’s Chris Owens in the illegally-lifted photo above. Even unscheduled visits from road tripping friends like Chris and M’lissa are documented here.

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And the text is really interesting, too, telling all about Kyle’s practice regime, his struggles and triumphs, and his insights. I love Kyle even more for responding to a question about why doesn’t he just keep his USBC-winning routine the same for Copenhagen: “I like to keep it fresh and exciting.” He’s so cool.
