Let’s Play Barista Magazine’s Humpday Giveaway! #24 (August 7, 2013 Edition)

Hello friends! Welcome to another midpoint in the week, a glorious Wednesday, the day that we love because it means it’s time to play another round of Humpday Giveaway where we ask a question, you give the answer, and one of you walks away with a great prize! You, me, and Charlie Sheen all call that winning!

Here in the States, August is known for its sweltering heat and blazing sun. It really makes a tall, cold drink one of the best things you can have in your hands, and one of the best ones we can think of is an iced coffee. And that brings us to this week’s prize!

Win this and cold brew your way through the dog days of August!
Win this and cold brew your way through the dog days of August!

It’s a commercial  brewer from the awesome folks at Toddy! WOOT!

A description from the Toddy website:

The Toddy Commercial system uses its patented cold-water extraction process to produce cold-brewed liquid coffee and tea extract that offers a full-bodied, aromatic flavor profile that translates into a bold, super-smooth taste. Brew 5 lbs of your favorite coffee and you should yield approximately 2 1/2 gallons of extract.

The Toddy Maker Cold Brew commercial model is a non-electrical brewer that produces a bold, smooth [low acid] extract that is superior to powders and hot-brewed liquids in overall mixability, quality and taste.

So do you want to win that sweet brewer? Of course you do! So now all you have to do is answer the following question. Remember leave your answer with your FIRST and LAST names in the comment section below. You can respond any time between when this post goes live (7:00am PDT on August 7) through 6:59PDT on August 8. Then we’ll put everyone’s names who got the answer correct in a hat mug and pull out one lucky winner. Check back here at 10am PDT on August 8 to find out who won. (One other note: due to shipping restrictions, this week’s prize can only be mailed to US addresses.)

It's the August + September 2013 issue of Barista Magazine! Out now!
It’s the August + September 2013 issue of Barista Magazine! Out now!

This week is the start of August, and that means the latest edition of Barista Magazine is in the mail. It’s our special World Barista Championship issue, and features this year’s World Brewers Cup champion, Erin McCarthy, and the WBC Champion Pete Licata on the cover.

So here’s the trivia question: Pete finished in the top three at the WBC in 2011 in Bogotá, and obviously in Melbourne in 2013. Who else finished in the top three in each of those years? (Please give the competitor’s name and nationality.) Think you know the answer? Go ahead and leave it below (with your first and last names, naturally). Don’t know who it might be? Better read the profile and interview with Pete in this issue then (and if you don’t have your hardcopy yet, you can always read Barista Magazine digital online for free!)

About baristamagazine 2265 Articles
Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.


  1. 2011 Bogota WBC
    1st: Alejandro Mendez, El Salvador
    2nd: Pete Licata, USA
    3rd: Matt Perger, Australia

    2013 Melbourne WBC
    1st: Pete Licata, USA
    2nd: Matthew Perger, Australia
    3rd: William Hernandez, El Salvador

  2. 2011 “ Bogota

    Alejandro Mendez “ El Salvador
    Matt Perger “ Australia

    2013 “ Melbourne

    Matt Perger “ Australia
    William Hernandez “ El Salvador

  3. 2011- Bogota
    Alejandro Mendez- El Salvador
    Matt Perger-Australia

    2013- Melbourne
    Matt Perger- Australia
    William Hernandez- El Salvador

  4. 2011 WBC

    1-Alejandro Mendez- El Salvador
    2-Pete Licata- USA
    3-Matt Perger- Australia

    2013 WBC

    1-Pete Licata- USA
    2-Matt Perger- Australia
    3- William Hernandez- El Salvador

    Please and thank you for this amazing giveaway. I want this for my church coffee bar on weekends.

  5. ****forgot their nationality!***
    2011 Bogota
    Alejandro Mendez (El Salvador)
    Matt Perger (Australia)

    2013 Melbourne
    Matt Perger (Australia)
    William Hernandez, (El Salvador)

  6. 2011
    Alejandro Mendez
    Matt Perger

    Matt Perger
    William Hernandez

    Joaquin Garcia

  7. Both Matthew Perger of Australia and William Hernandez of El Salvador finished in the top 3 of the WBC the same years as Pete Licata (2011 & 2013)

  8. 2011 WBC

    1. Alejandro Mendez, El Salvador
    2. Pete Licata, USA
    3. Matt Perger, Australia

    2013 WBC

    1. Pete Licata, USA
    2. Matt Perger, Australia
    3. William Hernandez, El Salvador

  9. 2011 World Barista Championship

    2011 Champion: Alejandro Mendez, EL SALVADOR
    2nd: Pete Licata, UNITED STATES
    3rd: Matt Preger, AUSTRALIA
    4th: Javier Garcia, SPAIN
    5th: Miki Suzuki, JAPAN
    6th: John Gordon, UNITED KINGDOM

    2012 World Barista Championship

    2012 Champion: Raul Rodas, GUATEMALA
    2nd: Fabrizio Sención Ramírez, MEXICO
    3rd: Colin Harmon, IRELAND
    4th: Miki Suzuki, JAPAN
    5th: Stefanos Domatiotis, GREECE
    6th: Maxwell Colonna-Dashwood, UNITED KINGDOM

    2013 World Barista Championship

    2013 Champion Pete Licata, UNITED STATES
    2nd: Matthew Perger, AUSTRALIA
    3rd: William Hernandez, EL SALVADOR
    4th: Colin Harmon, IRELAND
    5th: Nick Clark, NEW ZEALAND
    6th: Francesco Sanapo, ITALY

    2014 World Barista Championship
    nicole kendrick <3

  10. Rachel Bebee

    2011, Bogota – Alejandro Mendez (El Salvador) and Matt Perger (Australia)
    2013, Melbourne – Matt Perger (Australia) and William Hernandez (El Salvador)

  11. David Bise

    2011 WBC
    1st “ Alejandro Mendez “ El Salvador
    2nd “ Pete Licata “ USA
    3rd: Matt Perger “ Australia

    2013 WBC
    1st “ Pete Licata “ USA
    2nd “ Matt Perger “ Australia
    3rd “ William Hernandez “ El Salvador

  12. Jacob Archer

    2011 WBC

    1-Alejandro Mendez- El Salvador
    2-Pete Licata- USA
    3-Matt Perger- Australia

    2013 WBC

    1-Pete Licata- USA
    2-Matt Perger- Australia
    3- William Hernandez- El Salvador

  13. 2011 Bogota
    Alejandro Mendez (El Salvador)
    Matt Perger (Australia)

    2013 Melbourne
    Matt Perger (Australia)
    William Hernandez, (El Salvador)

  14. Bogotá 2011
    Alejandro Mendez, Salvador
    Matt Perger, Australia
    Pete Licata, US

    Melbourne 2013
    William Hernandez, Salvador
    Matt Perger, Australia
    Pete Licata, US

  15. 2011 “ Bogotá
    Alejandro Mendez, Salvador
    Matt Perger, Australia

    2013 “ Melbourne
    William Hernandez, Salvador
    Matt Perger, Australia

  16. 2011 “ Bogotá
    Alejandro Mendez, Salvador
    Matt Perger, Australia

    2013 “ Melbourne
    William Hernandez, Salvador
    Matt Perger, Australia

  17. 2011 WBC
    1st – Alejandro Mendez – El Salvador
    2nd – Pete Licata – USA
    3rd: Matt Perger – Australia

    2013 WBC
    1st – Pete Licata – USA
    2nd – Matt Perger – Australia
    3rd – William Hernandez – El Salvador

  18. 2011 “ Bogota-Alejandro Mendez “ El Salvador & Matt Perger “ Australia

    2013 “ Melbourne-Matt Perger “ Australia & William Hernandez “ El Salvador

    Thanks for the chance!

  19. At the risk of overkill:

    2011 World Barista Championship

    2011 Champion: Alejandro Mendez, EL SALVADOR
    2nd: Pete Licata, UNITED STATES
    3rd: Matt Preger, AUSTRALIA
    4th: Javier Garcia, SPAIN
    5th: Miki Suzuki, JAPAN
    6th: John Gordon, UNITED KINGDOM

    2012 World Barista Championship

    2012 Champion: Raul Rodas, GUATEMALA
    2nd: Fabrizio Sención Ramírez, MEXICO
    3rd: Colin Harmon, IRELAND
    4th: Miki Suzuki, JAPAN
    5th: Stefanos Domatiotis, GREECE
    6th: Maxwell Colonna-Dashwood, UNITED KINGDOM

    2013 World Barista Championship

    2013 Champion Pete Licata, UNITED STATES
    2nd: Matthew Perger, AUSTRALIA
    3rd: William Hernandez, EL SALVADOR
    4th: Colin Harmon, IRELAND
    5th: Nick Clark, NEW ZEALAND
    6th: Francesco Sanapo, ITALY

    2014 World Barista Championship

    Stay Tuned !

  20. 2011 “ Bogota-Alejandro Mendez “ El Salvador & Matt Perger “ Australia

    2013 “ Melbourne-Matt Perger “ Australia & William Hernandez “ El Salvador

  21. 2011 “ Bogotá

    Alejandro Mendez, Salvador
    Matt Perger, Australia

    2013 “ Melbourne

    William Hernandez, Salvador
    Matt Perger, Australia

  22. 2011 “ Bogota

    Alejandro Mendez “ El Salvador
    Matt Perger “ Australia

    2013 “ Melbourne

    Matt Perger “ Australia
    William Hernandez “ El Salvador

    Nicolas Wyseure

  23. 2011 – Bogota

    Alejandro Mendez – El Salvador
    Matt Perger – Australia

    2013 – Melbourne

    Matt Perger – Australia
    William Hernandez – El Salvador

  24. 2011 “ Bogotá
    Alejandro Mendez, Salvador
    Matt Perger, Australia

    2013 “ Melbourne
    William Hernandez, Salvador
    Matt Perger, Australia

  25. 2011 – Bogotá

    Alejandro Mendez, Salvador
    Matt Perger, Australia

    2013 – Melbourne

    William Hernandez, Salvador
    Matt Perger, Australia

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