Let’s Play Barista Magazine’s Humpday Giveaway! #25 (August 14, 2013 Edition)

That’s right, folks ”this is the 25th week we’ve done Humpday Giveaway here on Barista Magazine’s blog. And it continues to be so much fun! Our industry friends have hooked us up with so many killer products to give away to you guys ”they’re amazing. And we intend to continue Humpday Giveaway into the distant future, so we hope you keep coming back to play!

The only thing that sucks about Humpday Giveaway is how jealous I sometimes get ”these prizes are wicked! Nah, I’m just kidding ”I’m happy that you play and love the giveaways.

Of course, if whomever wins this week’s Humpday Giveaway prize wants to hook a sister up with a shot sometime, feel free. I’m salivating over the gorgeous factor of this week’s prize: the super slick ROK Espresso Maker, offered up by our friends at Importika.

SIDE NOTE: Only people with U.S. addresses are eligible to win the ROK Espresso Maker ”we’re sorry! But we want all of you international folks to play, too, so we’re going to give away a one-year subscription to Barista Magazine for one of you. It’s totally still worth it to play!

This means everyone who plays has to list not only their first and last names, but also their country of residence!

The ROK retails for $199.00, but someone's going to win one for Barista Magazine's Humpday Giveaway tomorrow!
The ROK retails for $199.00, but someone’s going to win one for Barista Magazine’s Humpday Giveaway!

I did a blog post about the ROK yesterday, which you can read HERE. To sum it up, it’s a non-electric espresso machine that is super streamlined and tight, and yes, friends, it travels very well.

Here’s a little vid with the guy who created the ROK. He’s probably way better than I would be at telling you how this thing works.

So are you ready to play? Coolio! You know the drill: There’s a trivia question below whose answer can be found in the new issue (August+September 2013) of Barista Magazine. Don’t have a copy? That’s OK ”you can read the whole thing online for free by going HERE. So you figure out the answer, and you type it into the comments section below, along with your first and last name, so we can ID you, and your country of residence! This first and last name thing is very important, folks! We won’t include people in the raffle if we don’t have both first and last names!

So then everyone who has the answer correct by the time we close the contest ”6:59 a.m. on Thursday, August 15, Pacific time ”will have their names entered into a drawing. We’ll pick one name randomly, and BOOM! That person becomes the new owner of a ROK Espresso Maker from the good folks at Importika! Thanks, Importika!!

Are you ready to play? Then here we go…

Question: In the year-in-review interview with 2012 World Barista Champion Raul Rodas in the August + September 2013 issue, Raul says he’s been working with an organization in Guatemala that helps children with cancer and their families. What is the name of that organization?  

REMEMBER: You MUST list your first name, last name, and country of residence with your answer!!

Now get those answers in! Someone’s going to win this amazing ROK Espresso Maker from Importika!!

About Sarah 941 Articles
Sarah Allen (she/her) is co-founder and editor of Barista Magazine, the international trade magazine for coffee professionals. A passionate advocate for baristas, quality, and the coffee community, Sarah has traveled widely to research stories, interact with readers, and present on a variety of topics affecting specialty coffee. She also loves animals, swimming, ice cream, and living in Portland, Oregon.


  1. Ayuvi ( Fundacion Ayudame a Vivir )
    Victoria Fallon
    Providence, Rhode Island
    Unites States of America

  2. Ayuvi [Fundación Ayúdame a Vivir]

    Andrew Bemis
    California , United States of America

  3. Ayuvi (Foundation Ayudame a Vivir)!!
    Not Ayumi… Thanks Autocorrect.

    Dustin Graham – USA

  4. the foundation is: ayuvi (fundación ayúdame a vivir)

    Nathan Slabaugh
    ID, USA

  5. Samantha Womack
    Arizona USA

    Ayuvi, fundación ayúdame a vivir
    Foundation to help me live.

  6. Raul has been working with Ayuvi (Fundacion Ayudame a Vivir).

    Rachel Bebee
    NE, USA

  7. Christian Shopinski- Mount Vernon, Illinois, United States
    ANSWER: ayuvi (fundación ayúdame a vivir)

  8. Ayuvi (fundacion ayudame a vivir)

    Hunt Valley, MD USA

    I dont see my comment getting posted.

  9. Bonnie Lam

    Ayuvi (Fundación Ayúdame a Vivir)

    CA, United States


  10. Ayuvi (fundacion ayudame a vivir)

    Ben Wineke
    United States-WI

    Thanks, friends at Importika and Barista Magazine!

  11. Matt Kennedy

    Montana, USA

    ayuvi (fundación ayúdame a vivir)

    Thanks for running the hump day giveaway!

  12. Kyle Ramage Raleigh, NC USA

    ANSWER: ayuvi (fundación ayúdame a vivir)

    Sorry I missed the last part about name and dwelling.

  13. Ayuvi (Fundacion Ayudame a Vivir)

    Tracy Lopez-Could really put this to good use at my sisters wedding in a couple weeks.

  14. Name: Ioannis Valasakis – Austria
    Answer: Ayuvi (Fundación Ayúdame A Yivir)

  15. Ayuvi (Ayudame a Vivir) ..translation: “Help me Live”

    Octavio Castillo, Venezuela.

  16. This is absolutely gorgeous! Would love to win 🙂

    Ayuvi- Fundacion Ayudame a Vivir

  17. Ayuve – Fundacion Ayudame a Vivir.
    It’s an awesome concept. You can see his passion for the coffee and his belief that it can help!

Comments are closed.