Let’s Play Barista Magazine’s Humpday Giveaway! #27 (August 28, 2013 Edition)

Happy Humpday, everyone! Only a few days left until another glorious summer weekend! I loved summer so much as a kid because the season meant camp! I loved going to summer camp, playing horseshoes, singing songs, getting into mischief. Those of you who went to camp as a kid, you know what I mean.

And I’m not just waxing poetic for no reason here ”this week’s Humpday Giveaway prize has everything to do with camp! There is a mighty generous person out there in the coffee community who wants to do something brilliantly kind for one of you passionate baristas out there: she wants to help get you to the Barista Guild of America’s camp in Southern California, October 13 “16.

One of you out there is going to win a pretty amazing prize this week: $559 toward your BGA Camp registration!
One of you out there is going to win a pretty amazing prize this week: $559 toward your BGA Camp registration!

Unfortunately, the high cost of registration coupled with the lost wages a barista has to suffer make Barista Camp totally unavailable to a lot of baristas out there. So this wonderful, generous person who wants to remain anonymous is going to help you along the way: she’s offering $559 toward camp registration for one lucky person.

¢ For BGA members, that means you would be responsible for the $300 difference (camp registration for BGA members is $859)

¢ For SCAA members who are non BGA members, that means you would be responsible for the $400 difference (camp registration for SCAA members who are non BGA members is $959)

¢ For those who are neither SCAA members nor BGA members, that means you would be responsible for the $500 difference (camp registration for non SCAA and non BGA members is $1,059)

In addition, the winner will be responsible for his/her own transportation to camp. Here is information about the location of camp.

This is what they call Splashtopia. It's where baristas will be frolicking in their off time during BGA Camp, at Rancho Los Palmas, in Southern California.
This is what they call Splashtopia. It’s where baristas will be frolicking in their off time during BGA Camp, at Rancho Los Palmas, in Southern California.

So let’s review:

BECAUSE THIS IS A DIFFERENT KIND OF PRIZE THAN USUAL, we ask that people who enter are aware of the following:

¢ You must be able to come up with the additional $300 (or non BGA/SCAA price difference) for camp registration.

¢ You will be responsible for your own transportation to Rancho Mirage, California. Details about the camp location can be found HERE.
¢ This Humpday Giveaway prize is open to anyone in the world; it’s just that if you live in Finland or something, you’re still going to have to come up with all of your transportation costs.

¢ The donor of this awesome prize will send the $559 directly to the BGA toward the winner’s registration. That is to say, the winner of this week’s Humpday Giveaway will not win $559 cash.

I attended the first-ever BGA Camp, and it was so amazing ”such an incredible way to get tight with members of your coffee community.
I attended the first-ever BGA Camp, and it was so amazing ”such an incredible way to get tight with members of your coffee community.

OK, only a few more notes to go over, and then it’s on to the trivia contest:

Humpday Giveaway Rules

”Answer the trivia question by referencing the current issue of Barista Magazine. If you don’t have a copy, you can look at the whole issue for free online by going HERE.

”Leave your answer plus your FIRST and LAST names, as well as your country of residence, into the blog comments section.

”Answers may be submitted between 7 a.m. PDT on Wednesday through 6:59 a.m. PDT on Thursday.

”The names of those who submitted the correct answer will be entered into a drawing, and Barista Magazine will randomly select one name, which will be announced on Thursday at 10 a.m. PDT right here on the Barista Magazine blog.

OK, guys ”ready to play Humpday Giveaway? Let’s do it!


Good lucky, everyone! Someone’s going to camp!

About baristamagazine 2265 Articles
Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.


  1. Kalita Wave all the way, I’ve been using them at home and in the shop for a couple years now and am never going back to v60!

    Harold McGovern
    Brooklyn, NY, USA

  2. Kalita Wave!

    Benjamin Contois
    Philadelphia, PA, USA

    Thanks! Hope to see ya at camp anyways!

  3. Kalita Wave with Bonavita Kettles – normal and flow restricted.

    Justin Enis
    Equal Exchange
    Providence, RI

  4. He used the Kalita Wave with the flow Restrictor method…

    Thank you very much for the chance…to you and to the kind supporter 🙂

    María Esther López

  5. Erin used the Kalita Wave!

    Claudine Reinstein
    Morning Glory Espresso
    Widefield, Colorado

    I didn’t mean to enter twice, but I forgot to put my country of origin and can’t figure out how to delete the first comment.

  6. Erin used 3 Kalita Waves, plus Bonavita kettles. The first set used non-restricted kettles for the blooms, then post-bloom he used flow-restricted kettles, double fisted style. Basically, like a boss. Also, kept the temp on the high end.

    Maxwell Mooney
    Seattle, Washington, USofA.

  7. He used a Kalita Wave.

    According to the article me and Erin Mccarthy share a birthday!… and that day is today! Happy Birthday Erin!

    Jared Dyck

  8. Erin using the Kalita Wave along with the flow restrictor method on Bonavita Kettles was pretty awesome-action-ness.

    Steven Lim
    Washington, CT USA

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