Let’s Play Barista Magazine’s Humpday Giveaway! #28 (September 4, 2013 Edition)

Well you didn’t have to wait as long to make it to midweek this week (at least if you’re in the US) since we had a holiday on Monday. But here we are at Humpday just the same. And when it’s Wednesday that means it’s time to play Humpday Giveaway!

These pitchers have a nice heft to them because of the weight of the powder coating. Cole says this helps him with his pours.
This is what’s up for grabs this week! A set of powder-coated steaming pitchers from Visions!

So yesterday we had a preview post of this week’s great prize, a set of steaming pitchers from Visions Espresso. These sweet powder-coated pitchers are heavier than normal which, according to latte art experts, can help with a steady flow on your pour. And they come in two sizes, 12-oz and 20-oz. This week’s winner will get one of each size! But probably the best thing about these pitchers is the fact that the come in Red, Black and White, the official colors of the Portland Trailblazers! Coincidence? Doubtful!

The fire-engine red pitcher is super sexy.
See, they come in red, too!

Ok, since we have an awesome prize to give away, now all we need is a question for you to answer.

Byron Holcomb's farm in the Dominican Republic is beautiful but very hard work.
Byron Holcomb’s farm in the Dominican Republic is beautiful but very hard work.

Byron Holcomb has written a number of stories for Barista Magazine about his experience buying, owning and running a coffee farm in the Dominican Republic where he once worked as a Peace Corps volunteer. Originally, he wrote a series for us called “Harvest Journal” which documented his early years operating a coffee farm, and Byron revisited that ongoing experience (full of ups and downs just like the topography of his farm) in the August + September 2013 issue in a terrific “Field Report.”

This week’s Humpday Giveaway question is: What is the name of Byron’s coffee farm?

Think you know the answer? Great! Leave it in the comments section below with your FIRST and LAST names and your COUNTRY of residence. Everyone who submits the correct answer (plus the additional info – ie. name and country) will be entered in the drawing where we’ll select one winner and send them their choice of color (red, black or white) steaming pitchers. And yes! We will send the pitchers anywhere in the world. This contest is open to everyone!

This week’s Humpday Giveaway will be open from 7:00AM PDT Wednesday Sept. 4 through 6:59AM PDT Thursday Sept. 5. Anyone who submits the correct response and required info (see how important that is?) will be entered to win.

Good luck to everyone! And thanks again to Visions Espresso for this week’s awesome prize!

About baristamagazine 2265 Articles
Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.


  1. Byron’s farm is called Finca La Paz. We had a great chat when we met up after a long time at NERBC this year.

    Matthew Campisi
    Atlanta, GA USA

  2. It’s Finca La Paz! Hadn’t read that article yet… Nice!

    Kait Berreckman
    United States

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