Congratulations! You did it again! You’ve made it to another Wednesday, and of course that means you’ve got another chance to play Humpday Giveaway and win another great prize! (Yes, Cabel, even you have a chance to win if you play!)
So up for grabs this week is another set of steaming pitchers from Visions Espresso. These sweet powder-coated pitchers are heavier than normal which, according to latte art experts, can help with a steady flow on your pour. And they come in two sizes, 12-oz and 20-oz. This week’s winner will get one of each size! But probably the best thing about these pitchers is the fact that the come in Red, Black and White, the official colors of the Portland Trailblazers! With the start of the NBA season just a couple of weeks away could that be a coincidence? Seriously, how could you even ask? Of course it’s no accident! The black set has already been claimed, so we’re down to the red and white sets, but no worries, those are the road uniform colors of the Blazers, so you’re still good!

So now we need a trivia question for you to answer from the current issue of BMag (October + November 2013), and here it is:
QUESTION: According to the article “Group Love – The Multiroaster Concept Grows Up,” who is credited for pioneering the multiroaster concept?
Think you know the answer? Great! Leave it in the comments section below with your FIRST and LAST names and your COUNTRY of residence.
If you don’t have a hard copy of the current issue, remember you can always check it out online for free with Barista Magazine digital!
Everyone who submits the correct answer (plus the additional info “ i.e. name and country) will be entered in the drawing where we’ll select one winner and send them their choice of color (red or white) steaming pitchers. And yes! We will send the pitchers anywhere in the world. This contest is open to everyone!
This week’s Humpday Giveaway will be open from 7:00AM PDT Wednesday Oct. 16, 2013 through 6:59AM PDT Thursday, Oct. 17. 2013. Anyone who submits the correct response and required info (see how important that is?) will be entered to win.
Good luck to everyone! And thanks again to Visions Espresso for this week’s awesome prize!
Billy Wilson .
Joaquin Garcia
Billy Wilson, owner of Barista PDX
Chloe Langham
United States
The oh so photogenic Billy Wilson
Jarred Foster
Billy Wilson of Barista PDX
Octavio Castillo, USA
Billy Wilson!
samUel Sveen, USA
Billy Wilson of Barista PDX.
Thomas Debray, Germany
Billy Wilson
Ben Russell – USA
Billy Wilson of Barista PDX
Chris Toutain, USA
Billy Wilson
Barista PDX
Michael Losada, Bogotá – Colombia
I’m happy to say I was even wearing my Barista PDX shirt today at work, perfect timing BMag!
Billy Wilson, Barista PDX
Harold McGovern
Brooklyn NYC USA
Billy Wilson of Barista PDX
Shawn Chang, USA
Billy Wilson Barista PDX!
Brandon Paul Weaver
Seattle, Washington
United States of America
Billy Wilson of Barista PDX
Gergely Salfai-Kovács
Billy Wilson
Chuk-Yang USA
Billy Wilson of Barista PDX
Su Eng Tan
I live in the United States.
Billy Wilson when he started Barista in Portland.
Billy Wilson of Barista PDX
Donna Robertson
United States
Billy Wilson of Barista PDX.
Jonathan De Troye, USA.
Billy Wilson of Barista PDX
Veronica Ponce
Billy Wilson. Joe bean coffee roasters. Rochester ny
Billy Wilson of BARISTA cafes in Portland, Oregon
(Ryan Lewis, United States)
Billy Wilson “ Barista PDX
Lilia Abdulina, Russia
Billy Wilson “ Barista PDX
Rashel Winn, Republic of Ireland
Billy Wilson/ Barista PDX
Chloe Shepard
Billy Willson- Barista PDX
Lisa Alexander, USA
Billy Wilson “ Barista PDX
Åukasz Stachurski, Poland
Billy Wilson “ Barista PDX
Christen Melton
Indiana, USA
Billy Wilson “ Barista PDX
Darlene Melton
Billy Wilson “ Barista PDX
Jess Melton (USA)
Billy Wilson “ Barista PDX
Robbie Melton
Louisville, KY USA
Billy Wilson at barista in portland 🙂
Christina MacKay
Vancouver, Canada
Oh and my name is Dismas U.S.A. Seattle
Billy Wilson who’s company has the same name as your magazine minus the magazine part of course.
Billy Wilson–Barista PDX
Andrea Costa
Billy Wilson of Barista PDX !
Magda Sierzputowska
BC, Canada
Billy Wilson is the man.
Whitney MacDonald
NL, Canada
Billy Wilson of Barista PDX.
Nika Rodriguez – USA
Billy Wilson of Barista PDX
Shelby Miles
Springfield, MO USA
Billy Wilson is credited with pioneering the way, and Barista PDX is still the best at it, from my experience. Fantastic cafes.
Daniel Nettleton
Billy Wilson “ Barista PDX
Jacob Andersen,
That would be Billy Wilson of Barista PDX!
Kait Berreckman
Billy Wilson of Barista PDX
Erica Koenig
Colorado, USA
Billy Wilson of Barista PDX
Charlie Blasky
Minneapolis, MN- U.S. of A
Billy Wilson of Barista PDX
Minneapolis, MN- U.S. of A
Billy Wilson is credited for pioneering the multiroaster concept.
Cortney K
The man, the myth, the legend: Billy Wilson, Barista PDX
Billy Wilson “ Barista PDX
Konrad Synowiec
Billy Wilson – Barista PDX
Dick Cheung – Hong Kong
Billy Wilson of Barista PDX
Barb Granados, USA
Billy Wilson of Barista PDX
Jaryne Ann Acero – Philippines
Billy Willson/ Barista PDX
Zachary Coté, USA
Billy Wilson / Barista PDX
Jan Carlo Acero – Philippines
Billy Wilson – @BARISTAPDX
Samantha Joyce Seattle WA USA
Billy Wilson is credited for pioneering the multiroaster concept through his Portland, Ore., BARISTA cafes.
Dennis Sullivan, USA
Billy Wilson of Barista PDX
Sarah Pascual, USA
Billy Wilson of Barista PDX
Billy Wilson Barista PDX
Nicolas Wyseure, Belgium
Billy Wilson of Barista PDX
Adam Muse
Billy Wilson
Andrew Freehauf of the USA
Billy Wilson!
Sarah Miller – USA
The one and only Billy Wilson. I didn’t even need to look that one up!
Marie Cullinan
Billy Wilson “ Barista PDX
Tyler Kelly USA
Billy Wilson – Barista PDX
Justin Enis – USA Would go mighty, mighty nice with the set of cups I won 🙂
Billy Wilson/Barista PDX
Billy Wilson of Barista PDX
Jay Haynes (USA)
Billy Wilson/ Barista PDX
Hope Wiseman USA
Billy Wilson of Barista PDX
Ryan Jarboe, USA
Billy Wilson is credited for pioneering the multiroaster concept.
Ray Matheny -USA
Billy Wilson of Barista PDX pioneered the way for multiroasters.
Ike Bubna, USA