Let’s Play Barista Magazine’s Humpday Giveaway! #42 (December 11, 2013 Edition)

Whaa-hooo! Happy Humpday, everyone! I’m especially excited that it’s already the middle of the week because I’m on my own here in Barista Magazine’s office, with Ken off in Kenya on the Cafe Imports origin trip for the 2013 barista champs! (They’re having an amazing experience. Read about it HERE!)

Humpday is a day to celebrate no matter how you slice it. We like to think we make your Wednesdays a little bit better with our weekly contest in which you have a chance to win an awesome prize from the coffee industry.

This week’s prize is something really special: I’m putting up my own copy of the new and totally great book,  Coffee: A Comprehensive Guide to the Bean, the Beverage, and the Industry! It’s OK ”I have a soft-cover advance copy for Barista Mag’s coffee library. And I want to get this gorgeous hardcover first edition into the hands of one of my favorite people: you guys!

We featured the book in our product section of the new issue of Barista Magazine.
We featured the book in our product section of the new issue of Barista Magazine.

I’m prepared to ship this book anywhere in the whole wide world, so everyone can enter this week!

This baby retails for $49.50 USD, which actually seems like a steal considering the wealth of education it contains.

I am honored to be one of the contributing authors to this book along with such industry superstars as George Howell, Geoff Watts, Shawn Steiman, Ted Lingle, Kenneth Davids, Andrew Hetzel,  Sunalini Menon, Price Peterson… the list goes on and on.

The back cover of the book, where all the contributors are listed.
The back cover of the book, where all the contributors are listed.

Here’s the official description of the book:

Coffee: A Comprehensive Guide to the Bean, the Beverage, and the Industry offers a definitive guide to the many rich dimensions of the bean and the beverage around the world. Leading experts from business and academia consider coffee’s history, global spread, cultivation, preparation, marketing, and the environmental and social issues surrounding it today. They discuss, for example, the impact of globalization; the many definitions of organic, direct trade, and fair trade; the health of female farmers; the relationships among shade, birds, and coffee; roasting as an art and a science; and where profits are made in the commodity chain. Drawing on interviews and the lives of people working in the business ”from pickers and roasters to coffee bar owners and consumers ”this book brings a compelling human side to the story.  

The authors avoid romanticizing or demonizing any group in the business. They consider basic but widely misunderstood issues such as who adds value to the bean, the constraints of peasant life, and the impact of climate change. Moving beyond simple answers, they represent various participants in the supply chain and a range of opinions about problems and suggested solutions in the industry.Coffee  offers a multidimensional examination of a deceptively everyday but extremely complex commodity that remains at the center of many millions of lives. Tracing coffee’s journey from field to cup, this handbook to one of the world’s favorite beverages is an essential guide for professionals, coffee lovers, and students alike.

So you want it? Then let’s play Humpday Giveaway!  Just need to run down the rules real quick…

Humpday Giveaway Rules

”Answer the trivia question by referencing the  current issue of Barista Magazine. You can look at the whole issue for free online by going  HERE.

”Leave your answer plus your  FIRST and LAST names, as well as  your country of residence, into the blog comments section.

”Answers may be submitted between 7  a.m. PST on Wednesday, December 11, through 6:59 a.m. PST on Thursday, December 12, 2013.

”The names of those who submitted the correct answer will be entered into a drawing, and  Barista Magazine  will randomly select two names, which will be announced on Thursday, December 12 at 10 a.m. PST right here on the  Barista Magazine  blog.

OK, ready to play? Here we go ¦

QUESTION: What is the name of the coffee farm in Puerto Rico where 15 Italian baristas spent a week working for the Barista & Farmer coffee reality project?

Think you know the answer? Then type it into the comments section below! Unsure? Then check out the issue online for no charge by going  HERE!

Thanks for playing Humpday Giveaway!

About baristamagazine 2265 Articles
Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.


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