Let’s Play Barista Magazine’s Humpday Giveaway! #44 (January 8, 2014 Edition)

Welcome back everybody! And welcome to the first Humpday Giveaway of 2014! Our Humpday Hiatus is over (along with Christmas and New Year’s Day), and we’re back to our weekly trivia contest for fun and prizes!

We have a great prize this week from the awesome folks at Boston Stoker! It’s a Boston Stoker sample kit. The Ohio-based specialty coffee company put this kit together (and shared one with us!) to highlight some of the great coffees they have available.

The Boston Stoker Sample Kit features 5 different coffees to try.
The Boston Stoker Sample Kit features 5 different coffees to try.

Here’s how the team at Boston Stoker describes the kit and the coffees:

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Barista Magazine Subscribe Leaderboard banner ad

œI’ve spent eight years traveling the globe, cultivating relationships with farmers and cooperative so Boston Stoker can provide the best direct trade, single origin bean to bring back and hand roast in Dayton, Ohio. For us, it’s all about finding the best beans and supporting the farmers who grow it. Because better care for the farmers means better conditions for the crops means better coffee for you. œ

Henry Dean

The sample kit is a great way to taste a variety of coffees, and you can win it today!
The sample kit is a great way to taste a variety of coffees, and you can win it today!

 The coffee included in the pack is:

·                  16oz of Custom House –  This is a  full-bodied blend in the European tradition. A staple Boston Stoker offering since 1973.

·                  8oz of La Minita “ We chose to feature this coffee due to our long standing relationship with La Minita and our continued commitment to a better cup of quality.

·                  8oz of La Meseta “ This is a coffee Henry developed and sourced directly over the years and he has finally gotten it into the states. It is a part of our current path of sourcing directly with the farmers to get more money to the source and a better cup of coffee to our customers.

·                  8 oz each of Ethiopia Konga Yirgacheffe /Ethiopia Kochere Yirgacheffe- We included these two African coffees to show how diverse coffees from the same region and processing station but processed differently can taste to help educate the public on the wonderful diversities of coffee. We understand not everyone has the pallet of a seasoned barista but even the untrained pallet can pick out the differences of these two.

With cool packaging and tasty coffees, the Boston Stoker sample kit will be delivered to the winner's door!
With cool packaging and tasty coffees, the Boston Stoker sample kit will be delivered to the winner’s door!

The kit retails for $49.95, and if you happen to not win this week’s prize you can always order a set for yourself by calling Boston Stoker at 800-745-5282. (And they’ll be available soon on the company’s online store.)

Ok, so now that you know about the prize, we need a trivia question. (Oh, and a quick review of the rules ¦)

Humpday Giveaway Rules

”Answer the trivia question by referencing the  current issue of Barista Magazine. You can look at the whole issue for free online by going  HERE.

”Leave your answer plus your  FIRST and LAST names, as well as  your country of residence, in the blog comments section.

”Answers may be submitted between  7  a.m. PST on Wednesday, January 8, 2014, through 6:59 a.m. PST on Thursday, January 9, 2014.

”The names of those who submitted the correct answer will be entered into a drawing, and  Barista Magazine  will randomly select a name, which will be announced on Thursday, January 9, 2014 at 10 a.m. PST right here on the  Barista Magazine  blog.

OK, ready to play? Here we go ¦

QUESTION: According to Darren Daniel’s Field Report on Indonesia both palm oil and coffee exports are vital to the Indonesian economy. How much revenue does each bring into the country?

Think you know the answer? Then type it into the comments section below! Unsure? Then check out the issue online for no charge by going  HERE!

Thanks for playing Humpday Giveaway! And remember to check back tomorrow to see if you’ve won!

About baristamagazine 2270 Articles
Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.


  1. Palm oil “ $21.61 billion
    Coffee “ $1.51 billion

    (price is right rules!)

    Zach Krumm
    Montana, USA

  2. “Palm oil exports in 2012 accounted for $21.6 billion in revenue, while coffee brought in $1.5 billion.” PG. 43

    – Sarah Hilbert Montana, USA

    It is interesting to watch the development of the Palm Oil Industry unfold in Indonesia. Throughout the world. eyes are locked onto every detail regarding this country’s main commodity. And not just the industry, but internal governmental policies, environment concerns, agricultural strategies….. The world is close behind implementing these same tactics in their own countries to compete in the global pal oil trade.

    The devastation palm oil truly has in the long term was grossly understated in this article. However, Indonesia is the country that everyone is mimicking. If they could be convinced of diversifying crops, like a stronger coffee market, as this article suggests, it would indirectly influence many other countries to diversify as well. Indonesia is like a mini agriculture experiment. And with new (and very serious) palm oil competition, the fate of Indonesia will hinge on their ability to rebound in new, creative ways. It is encouraging to see this Field Report strongly suggest a more sustainable option. Increasing productivity and quality in other sectors (like cocoa, tea, and shrimp) would have a huge impact on the economy, farmer’s livelihoods, and reduce environmental impact.


  3. Palm oil was: $21.6 billion
    Coffee was: $1.5 billion

    Woo hoo!!!

    Christian Lehman – Texas

  4. Answer:
    Palm oil – $ 21.6 billion
    Coffee – $ 1.5 billion
    Dick Cheung – Hong Kong

  5. $1.5 billion for coffee, and $21.6 billion for Palm oil.

    Jamie Ferguson — Florida, USA

  6. According to Darren Daniel’s Field Report on Indonesia both palm oil and coffee exports are vital to the Indonesian economy. How much revenue does each bring into the country? Palm oil brought in $21.6 billion in revenue for 2012 while coffee brought in $1.5 billion.

  7. 2012 Indonesia Exports
    Palm oil: $21.6 billion
    Coffee: $1.5 billion

    Kyle Gooch


  8. Palm oil brings in $21.6 billion in revenue and coffee brings in $1.5 billion in revenue.

    Courtney Barrick, Seattle WA USA.

  9. Palm oil revenues $21.6 billion
    Coffee exports $1.5 billion

    Dennis Harper
    U.S. of A.

  10. In 2012 the palm oil revenue was $21.6 billion and coffee was $1.5 billion.

    New York

  11. Palm oil earned $21.6 billion in revenue and coffee gained $1.5 billion in revenue.

    Nick Brenn

  12. For 2012 palm oil was $21.6 billion and coffee was $1.5 billion.

    Oh, and I actually looked it up in the issue instead of copying from the above comments.

    Paul Allen

  13. In 2012, palm oil exports accounted for $21.6 billion in revenue and coffee brought in $1.5 billion.

    Etsuko Yoshida

  14. 2012 Indonesian exports:
    palm oil was $21.6 billion
    Coffee was $1.5 billion.

    Matthew de la Torre

  15. 2012 Indonesian Exports
    palm oil was $21.6 billion
    coffee was $1.5 billion

    Stephan Cano

  16. 2012 Indonesia Exports
    Palm oil: $21.6 Billion
    Coffee: $1.5 Billion

    Jethro Sepulveda

  17. 2012 Indonesia Exports
    Palm oil: $21.6 Billion
    Coffee: $1.5 Billion

    Živilė Zablackaitė

  18. 2012 Indonesia Exports
    Palm oil: $21.6 Billion
    Coffee: $1.5 Billion

    Bence Bagdi

  19. 2012 Indonesia Exports
    Palm oil: $21.6 Billion
    Coffee: $1.5 Billion

    Nicolas Wyseure

  20. 2012 Indonesia exports: Palm oil: $21.6 billion; Coffee: $1.5 billion.

    Rashel Winn

  21. Palm oil exports in Indonesia in 2012 accounted for $21.6 billion in revenue and coffee $1.5 billion.

    Siiri Treufeld

  22. 2012: Palm oil revenue was $21.6 billion and coffee was $1.5 billion.

    Austin Kinsey

  23. 2012 Indonesia Exports
    Palm oil: $21.6 Billion
    Coffee: $1.5 Billion

    Andrew Freehauf

  24. 2012 Indonesia Exports
    Palm oil: $21.6 Billion
    Coffee: $1.5 Billion

    Marcin Jary

  25. In 2012, Palm oil brought in 21.6 billion dollars, while coffee contributed 1.5 billion dollars.

    Matt Boone

  26. Palm Oil – 21.6 billion dollars in revenue
    Coffee – 1.5 billion dollars in revenue

    Nathan Kosin
    United States

  27. 2012 Indonesia Exports
    Palm oil: $21.6 Billion
    Coffee: $1.5 Billion

    Nika Rodriguez – USA

  28. In 2012 the revenue for palm oil was $21.6 billion and the revenue for coffee was $1.5 billion.

    Jonathan De Troye, USA.

  29. Palm oil brings in $21.6 billion in revenue and coffee brings in $1.5 billion in revenue.

    Chris Sopiarz

  30. In 2012 the palm oil revenue was $21.6 billion and coffee was $1.5 billion.

    Liz Bishop

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