Welcome to Wednesday, friends! Time’s moving by awfully quickly, especially for those of you stuck in a snow tundra in the very cold parts of the world. You know, like Russia and Brooklyn. Those folks down in Australia are having a summer right now ”can you believe it? Maybe all that sunshine and fresh air is what made the wonderful folks at Pullman Coffee Tamper decide to be amazingly generous and contribute this week’s Humpday Giveaway prize!

Pullman Coffee Tampers ”a division of Pullman Espresso Accessories ”is an established and respected small wares company and roaster service outfit based in Adelaide, South Australia. Pullman is responsible for shipping all goods ordered through Things Coffee, and they’re known for their excellent work servicing Hottop Roasters. They’re currently working on a retail space, which is super exciting! The plan is to have it opened really soon ”as in, April!

We were just thrilled when they told us they wanted to put up a gorgeous Pullman Tamper for this week’s Humpday Giveaway prize. This thing is valued at AU$200!
The winner will have his or her choice of the Barista tamper (see HERE for description) with either an Australian Red Jarrah Hardwood handle, or an Australian Oak Hardwood handle.

But that’s not all! The flat stainless steel base will be matched to a VST basket! The winner can choose the size of the basket: 15g, 18g, 20g, or 22g.

So are you psyched? Us, too! Let’s get to the game!
First, a quick review of the rules ¦
Humpday Giveaway Rules
”Answer the trivia question by referencing the current issue of Barista Magazine. You can look at the whole issue for free online by going HERE.
”Leave your answer plus your FIRST and LAST names, as well as your country of residence, in the blog comments section.
”Answers may be submitted between 7 a.m. PST on Wednesday, January 29, 2014, through 6:59 a.m. PST on Thursday, January 30, 2014.
”The names of those who submitted the correct answer will be entered into a drawing, and Barista Magazine will randomly select a name, which will be announced on Thursday, January 30, 2014 at 10 a.m. PST right here on the Barista Magazine blog.
Question: At the 2013 La Marzocco Out of the Box event in Milan, Italy, what did Piero Bambi say when he first saw the customized La Marzocco van modeled to look like the company’s original service van?
Think you know the answer? Then type it into the comments section below, along with your name and country of residence. You just may win the beautiful Pullman Tamper when we host the drawing tomorrow!
Good luck, and thanks for playing Barista Magazine’s Humpday Giveaway!
œnon e possiblile. non puo essere possiblile,
œit’s not possible. It can’t be possible.
Marcin Jary
It’s not possible. It’s just not possible.
“Non è possibile. Non può essere possibile,
Pg. 49
Eng Kit Goh
œit’s not possible, it’s just not possible.
Wolfgang Helmreich
Munich / Germany
œNon e possibile. Non puo essere possibile,
œIt’s not possible. It’s just not possible.
Jay Vye
It’s not possible, it’s just not possible.
Mikhail Laguta, Canada
Non é possibile. Non può eserre possibile.
Jamie, London, uk
“non è possibule. Non può essere possibile.”
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Chris Balz
œit’s not possible, it’s just not possible.
œIt’s not possible, it’s just not possible.
Martin Warrilow
“It’s not possible. It can’t be possible.”
Zhen Yang Lee
œIt’s not possible, it’s just not possible.
Oleksii Lutsenko, Kiev, Ukraine
œIt’s not possible,
œIt’s just not possible.
œnon e possiblile. non puo essere possiblile,
œit’s not possible. It can’t be possible.
Tobias Ebnöther, Switzerland
“non e possiblile. non puo essere possiblile,”
“it’s not possible. It can’t be possible.”
John Corrales
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Eleni Akritidu, Czech Republic
œIt’s not possible. It’s just not possible.
Lukasz Stachurski, Poland
œIt’s not possible, it’s just not possible.
Fidel Martinez, USA
œIt’s not possible, it’s just not possible.
Per Nordell, Sweden
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Michal Blasiak, Poland
œIt’s not possible, it’s just not possible.
“Non è possibile. Non può essere possibile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Aristotle Ho
œIt’s not possible , œit’s just not possible !!!
Nicolas Glatz
“It’s not possible”, “it’s just not possible”
œIt’s not possible. It can’t be possible.
Yuki Hashizume
œIt’s not possible. It’s just not possible.
Isaac Tan
Non é possible. Non può essere possible
It’s not possible. It can’t be possible.
david lee
taipei, taiwan
“It’s not possible. It’s just not possible.”
Ricky Sutton, U.S.A.
œIt’s not possible, it’s just not possible.
Alex Johnson
Non é possible, non puó essere possible.
It’s not possible, it can’t be possible. (Pg 49)
Dameon Kellogg
œNon e possibile. Non puo essere possibile,
Russel Philip
It’s not possible, it’s just not possible.
œIt’s not possible. It’s just not possible.
Webb Lucas
œIt’s not possible, it’s just not possible.
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Alejandro Medina
œIt’s not possible, it’s just not possible.
Tina Pörtner
“It’s not possible, it’s just not possible.”
Simeon Bricker
œNon e’ possibile. non puo’ essere possibile,
œIt’s not possible. It can’t be possible.
Page 49
Joaquin Garcia
My answer : “It’s not possible. It can’t be possible”.
Name: Arthur Gagner, Canada.
Thanks Barista Mag and Pullman ! 🙂
œNon è possibile. Non può essere possibile, he repeated in a whisper: œIt’s not possible. It can’t be possible.
Marc-Antoine Lajoie
It’s jut not possible
“It’s not possible. It can’t be possible”
Takahiro Inoue
“It’s not possible. It’s just not possible.”
Andrea Grove-Musselman
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Eric Weilbacher
It’s not possible. It’s just not possible.
Amanda, USA
œIt’s not possible. It’s just not possible.
Michael Butterworth, USA
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Lisandro Walfisch
New Zealand
He said… œIt’s not possible. It’s just not possible.
Karnrave Jaichoung ( Peat )
œNon è possibile. Non può essere possibile, he repeated in a whisper: œIt’s not possible. It can’t be possible.
œIt’s not possible. It can’t be possible.
Grace Laupc , Hong Kong
œit’s not possible, it’s just not possible.
It’s not possible. It’s just not possible.
Grégoire VINCENT
Montréal, CANADA
œIt’s not possible,
œIt’s just not possible.
Cortney Kern
œIt’s not possible, œIt’s just not possible.
Tracy Lopez-USA
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Lindsay Lee
US of A!
œIt’s not possible, œIt’s just not possible.
Jonathan Esparza
United States
He said œIt’s not possible, œIt’s just not possible.
Dontakorn Techasermwattanakul – Thailand
œNon e’ possibile. Mon puo’ essere possibile, he repeated in a whisper: œIt’s not possible. It can’t be possible.
Seannah Picazo
œNon e possibile. Non puo essere possibile,
œIt’s not possible. It’s just not possible.
Will St Germain
United States
“It’s not possible,” he said, tears filling his eyes . “It’s just not possible.”
It’s not possible, …it’s just not possible
“Non e possibile. Non puo essere possibilie.”
“It’s not possible. It can’t be possible.”
Jessica Hodge
United States
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Dan Demers
Non é possible. Non può essere possible
It’s not possible. It can’t be possible.
Which is what I’ll say if I win this…
Roscoe Aquilo
œIt’s not possible, it’s just not possible.
Diana Avila
œIt’s not possible. It’s just not possible.
Holly, Chicago
“It’s not possible.” He said, tears filling his eyes. “It’s just not possible.”
In Italian, œNon é possible. Non può essere possible, translated to English œIt’s not possible. It can’t be possible.
Kyle Gooch
“It’s not possible.” He said, tears filling his eyes. “It’s just not possible.”
“It’s not possible, it’s just not possible”
Paul Johnson
œIt’s not possible. It’s just not possible.
œIt’s not possible, It’s just not possible.
Ike Bubna, USA
“It’s not possible,” he said, tears filling his eyes. “It’s just not possible.”
Lisa Alexander, USA
œIt’s not possible. It can’t be possible.
Walter, Chicago, IL, USA
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Gabe Smentek
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Rob Adair
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Ashley Arnold, Canada
œIt’s not possible. It can’t be possible.
Aaron Goh, USA
œNon è possibile Non può essere possibile
œit’s not possible, it’s just not possible.
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Mike Chapman, Canada
Translated to English œIt’s not possible. It can’t be possible.”
Siobhan, USA
œNon è possibile Non può essere possibile
“It’s not possible. It’s just not possible.”
Kobi Morris
Answer : “It’s not possible. It can’t be possible.”
Dick Cheung , Hong Kong
œIt’s not possible, œIt’s just not possible.
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Jonathan De Troye, USA
“Non è possibile Non può essere possibile” — It’s not possible. It can’t be possible.”
Sara Wakeman
“Non è possibile Non può essere possibile”
Eduardo RodrÃguez
Monterrey, México
It’s not possible. It’s just not possible.
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Ryan Baker
œNon è possibile. Non può essere possibile, he repeated in a whisper: œIt’s not possible. It can’t be possible.
Susanna La Rue
New Zealand
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Steve Santinelli
“it’s not possible, it’s just not possible.”
Wheaton, IL
œNon é possible. Non può essere possible,
Blessie Nelson
œIts not possible, it can’t be possible
Brent Vernon
South Africa
“Non e’ possibile. Mon puo’ essere possibile,”he repeated in a Whisper: “It’s not possible. It can’t be possible.”
James Groff USA
“Its not possible, it can’t be possible”
œIt’s not possible.” “It’s just not possible.
Magda Van Dusen
œIt’s not possible, œIt’s just not possible.
Bev Evans – london
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Dean Oelschig
South Africa
“None è Possibile. Non Può essere possibile,” he repeated in a whisper: “It’s not possible. It can’t be Possible.”
Michael Mawhinney
“Non e possibile. Non puo essere possibile.”
“It’s not possible. It can’t be possible.”
Jason Moore
“Non è possibile. Non può essere possibile,” he repeated in a whisper: “It’s not possible. It can’t be possible.”
Jennifer Vance
œNon é possible. Non può essere possible,
San Francisco
œNon e possibile. Non puo essere possibile.
DIllon Smith
In Italian, œNon é possible. Non può essere possible, which translates as: œIt’s not possible. It can’t be possible. Translated to English “It’s not possible. It can’t be possible.
Kevin Foth
“Non é possible. Non può essere possible.”
“It’s not possible. It can’t be possible.”
Chloe Shepard
Austin USA
Non e possibile. Non puo essere possibile.
Nicolas Wyseure
Non e possibile. Non puo essentie possibile.
Nicolas Wyseure
œIt’s not possible, he said, œIt’s just not possible.
Megan Taft
“Non é possible. Non può essere possible,” which translates as: “It’s not possible. It can’t be possible.”
Grant Conine
“Non è possibile. Non può essere possibile,” he repeated in a whisper: “It’s not possible. It can’t be possible.”
Rashel Winn, Ireland
œIt’s not possible, œIt’s just not possible.
Rose Pacubas – Canada
œNon e possibile. Non puo essere possibile,
œIt’s not possible. It’s just not possible.
Thomas Debray
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Christopher Toutain
œIt’s not possible. It’s just not possible.
Bobby Keller
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Kent Aoyama Eskildsen, Denmark,
œNon e possibile. Non puo essere possibile.
“It’s not possible,” he said, tears filling his eyes. “It’s just not possible.”
Jill Killen
sorry ¦forgot one thing ¦
Non è possibile. Non può essere possibile
Christina Raehlert, Germany
Non è possibile. Non può essere possibile`
œIt’s not possible. It can’t be possible.
Arnis VÄ«ksna
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Jaryne Ann Acero – Philippines
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Rose Pacubas – Canada
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Jan Carlo Acero – Canada
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Jan Carlo Acero
œIts not possible. Its just not possible.
Jacob Hostrup,
He said:
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Neil Oney
United States
Piero Bambi, son of one of the founders of La Marzocco said ˜Non e possibile. Non puo essere possibile’ while looking at the van being revealed.
Sander de Putter from The Netherlands
Piero Bambi, son of one of the founders of La Marzocco said ‘Non e possibile. Non puo essere possibile’ while looking at the van being revealed.
He said: “Non e possibile. Non puo essere possibile.
Siiri Treufeld
He said:
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Patrick Burns
United States
He said:
œNon e possibile. Non puo essere possibile,
œIt’s not possible. It can’t be possible.
Krzysztof Barabosz
œNon e possibile. Non puo essere possibilie. When translated into English, he said, œIt’s not possible. It can’t be possible.
Marguerite Leung, Canada
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Jessica Halliday
New Zealand
“Non e possibile. Non puo essere possibile,”
“It’s not possible. It can’t be possible.”
Virgil Hovar, USA
“Non e possibile. Non puo essere possibile,”
Nika Rodriguez – USA
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Edison Ting
After Piero Bambi saw the unbelievable transformation of the Alfa Romeo into a La Marzocco icon, he muttered in disbelief, “Non e possibile. Non puo essere possibilie.” When translated into English, he said, “It’s not possible. It can’t be possible.”
Truly touching story!
Nick Brenn
œNon e possibile. Non puo essere possibile.
Su Eng Tan
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Brian Benavente
œNon e possibile. Non puo essere possibile.
Chuk-Yang Seng
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Kaycee Owens
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Jamie Ferguson
œNon e possibile. Non puo essere possibile.
Gergely Salfai-Kovács
œNon e possibile. Non puo essere possibile.
Ofer Schonberger
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Erica Koenig
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Charlie Blasky
œIt’s not possible, œIt’s just not possible.
Shiomon Yaffe
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Dom Ormsby
England, UK
He said, “Non e possibile. Non puo essere possibile.” Translation…It’s not possible. It can’t be possible.
Marie Cullinan
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Alon Sella
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Shimon Yaffe
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Uri Katan
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Nathan Howes US
Ummm, it’s my birthday does that help my odds 😉
He said, “Its not possible. Its just not possible.”
Whitney MacDonald
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Andreas Nielsen
“It’s not possible. It can’t be possible.”
Gregory Jacob
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Zachary Cote
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Agnes Bagdi
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Andrew Freehauf
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Bence Bagdi
“Non e possibile. Non puo essere possibile.”
Jason Card USA
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Sarah Hovar, USA
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.
Jesse D. ~ USA
œIt’s not possible, he said, tears filling his eyes. œIt’s just not possible.