Let’s Play Barista Magazine’s Humpday Giveaway! #59 (April 23, 2014 Edition)

It’s Wednesday once again, so it’s time to play another round of Humpday Giveaway, Barista Magazine’s weekly trivia contest for fun and, let’s not bury the lede, AWESOME prizes! This week is no exception, thanks to the great folks at Espresso Parts, we have a terrific prize for this week’s winner!

Up for grabs for this week’s Humpday, Espresso Parts newest tamper and to celebrate the big expo in Seattle happening this week a SCAA swag bag which includes the Espresso Parts Scout Book! And here’s something even more awesome: Espresso Parts will ship this tremendous prize pack anywhere in the world! So everyone in this great global coffee community can play and win this week! (If you happen to be in Seattle this week for SCAA, however, be sure to stop by Espresso Parts’ booth, #10034, and say hi and thanks to this great group of folks for all they do for our coffee community.)


The Espresso Parts Design 5 Espresso Tamper is a sweet piece of work!
The Espresso Parts Design 5 Espresso Tamper is a sweet piece of work!

Here’s the description of the tamper from the Espresso Parts website  which retails for $54:

The 30EP5_BLACK espresso tamp handle is precision machine milled from solid aluminum. When attached to the heavier stainless steel base the lighter weight aluminum handle provides a proper mass ratio between the two which results in an exceptional feeling of balance.

The handles are beautifully anodized with a silky matte finish in the specified color allowing long lasting durability and grandeur. This is one of the nicest most natural feeling handles on the market. Fits all Espresso Parts coffee/espresso tamp piston bases.

Weighing in at 1lbs 1oz including a stainless steel tamper piston. The 30EP5_BLACK handle has the heft and feel that many professional barista today are looking for.

Espresso Parts’ tamper pistons are professionally machine milled stainless steel, and are available in your choice of a flat or convex tamp piston in the following stock sizes: 58mm and 57mm.

That’s a great prize all on its own! But guess what? Yep, there’s even more! There’s the SCAA swag bag, and in that (among other treats) is the new Custom Shop Scout Book where you can make plans to trick out all of your favorite equipment!

Sketch out your dreams in the Custom Shop Scout Book!
Sketch out your dreams in the Custom Shop Scout Book!
The options for customization are nearly endless!
The options for customization are nearly endless!

From the Espresso Parts website:

The Scout Book…  offers space for customers to capture their greatest customization dreams for espresso machines, grinders, café cups, or tampers. The last 7 pages are made up of gridlines for more ideas, sketching, floor plan layouts, etc. Happy cafe planning!

So clearly now, you’re fired up and ready to win! We just need to review the rules and give you the question. So without further ado, let’s go!

Humpday Giveaway Rules

”Answer the trivia question by referencing the  current issue of Barista Magazine. You can look at the whole issue for free online by going  HERE.

”Leave  your answer  plus your  FIRST and LAST names, as well as  your country of residence, in the blog comments section.  

”Answers may be submitted between  7  a.m. PDT on Wednesday, April 23, 2014, through 6:59 a.m. PDT on Thursday, April 24, 2014.

”The names of those who submitted the correct answer will be entered into a drawing, and  Barista Magazine  will randomly select a name, which will be announced on  Thursday, April 24, 2014  at 10 a.m. PDT right here on the  Barista Magazine  blog.

Now the big question:

Question: In the Field Report: Panama Alexandar Ruas and Oskar Garberg write about their recent trip to the Central American country which they dubbed “Going Geisha.” As mentioned in the story, what coffee did Oskar use to win the 2013 Swedish Barista Cup?

Think you know the answer? Then type it into the comments section below (along with your name and country of residence)!

Good luck! Thanks to Espresso Parts for their generous prize, and thanks to you for playing Barista Magazine’s Humpday Giveaway!


About baristamagazine 2265 Articles
Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.


  1. Perci lot 28 from 90+ estates in Panama. Geisha.

    Pavel Zhuravlyov, Auckland, New Zealand

  2. Perci lot 28 natural processed Geisha from 90+ Estates in Panama

    Walter Boncato

  3. Ninety Plus Perci Geisha – need to get my hands on some of that!

    Paul Hollingsworth

  4. Oskar won using the Perci lot 28 natural processed Geisha from 90+ estates in Panama

    Malick BEZZAH


  5. As detailed in the article In this months magazine, he used Ninety Plus Perci Geisha coffee.

    Ally Hutton

  6. He used the Ninety Plus Perci Geisha

    Michael Storvick
    United States of America.

  7. Ninety Plus Perci Geisha

    Thank you so much for the chance. May your Wednesday be short and your espresso strong!

  8. Ninety Plus Perci Geisha was used to clinch the 2013 victory!

    William B. Beckley
    Portland, OR

    Go Blazers!

  9. He used Ninety Plus Perci Geisha.

    Really hope to win! 🙂

    Erik Gijselhart
    the Netherlands

  10. Oskar, the 2013 Swedish Barista Cup winner used Ninety Plus Perci Geisha, baby. yum!
    sandy hughes, USA

  11. Perci lot 28 natural processed Geisha from 90+ Estates in Panama.
    Gergely Salfai-Kovács

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