Let’s Play Barista Magazine’s Humpday Giveaway! #64 (May 28, 2014 Edition)

Welcome to the last Humpday Giveaway of May (featuring a question from the April + May 2014 issue)! We’re glad you’re here, and to celebrate this final Humpday before we make it to June (and a whole new issue of Barista Magazine) we’re offering up prizes to two lucky winners this week!

Let’s keep it short and sweet: Up for grabs today are your choice of a Barista Magazine t-shirt or a one-year subscription!

The author, Shanny Sena, having brekkie and coffee at one of her favorite Melbourne coffeehouses, Reverence.
You could look fly like  Shanny Sena in a BMag otter t-shirt, or you could get your own copy of Barista Magazine delivered to your mailbox for a whole year!
Here it is ”the brand new Barista Magazine tshirt! We can't wait to see which three of you awesome Humpday Giveaway participants will win them!
Or you could choose this shirt! It’s up to two of you!

We just need the rules and a question, and then we’re ready to get going!

First up, here are the rules:

Humpday Giveaway Rules

”Answer the trivia question by referencing the  current issue of Barista Magazine. You can look at the whole issue for free online by going  HERE.

”Leave  YOUR ANSWER  plus your  FIRST and LAST NAMES, as well as  YOUR COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE, in the blog comments section.  

”Answers may be submitted between  7  a.m. PDT on Wednesday, May 28, 2014, through 6:59 a.m. PDT on Thursday, May 29, 2014.

”The names of those who submitted the correct answer will be entered into a drawing, and  Barista Magazine  will randomly select two winners, which will be announced on  Thursday, May 29, 2014 at 10 a.m. PDT  right here on the  Barista Magazine  blog.

Now the big question:

Question: What was Jared Truby’s first experience to a coffee producing country? (Please name the country and why he was there.)

Think you know the answer? Then type it into  the comments section  below (along with  your name  andcountry of residence)! And you’ll have a shot at winning this week’s prize!

 Good luck and thanks for playing  Barista Magazine ˜s Humpday Giveaway!


About baristamagazine 2265 Articles
Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.


  1. Costa Rica with Cafe Imports winning the 2012 Southwest Regional Barista Competition

    Kata Karath

  2. Costa Rica with Cafe Imports winning the 2012 Southwest Regional Barista Competition

    Alvaro Castro
    El Salvador

  3. Costa Rica with Cafe Imports after winning the 2012 SW regionals Barista Competition.

    David Fox

  4. His first expirience was going with Cafe imports to Costa Rica after winning 2012 Southwest Regional Barista Competition.

    Gabor Zsoldos

  5. Jared went to Costa Rica with Café Imports after winning the Southwest Regional Barista Competition in 2012.

    Abner Roldan
    Puerto Rico

  6. Jared Truby’s first experience to a coffee producing country was when he went to Costa Rica after winning the 2012 Southwest Regional Barista Competition.

    Siiri Treufeld

  7. Truby’s first trip to origin was to Costa Rica with Cafe Imports after winning the SWRBC! Yah Jared!

    Jordan Andlovec

  8. Went to Costa Rica with Café Imports after winning the Southwest Regional Barista Competition in 2012.

    Diana Jiménez Alcedo
    Lima – Perú

  9. He went to Costa Rica with Cafe Imports after winning the 2012 SW regionals.

    Terika Raak

  10. In 2012 he visited Costa Freaka (Costa Rica) after winning the Southwest regionals, and the trip being part of the Café Imports trip to origin prize for the winners of each regional competition.

  11. Went to Costa Rica with Cafe Imports after winning the 2012 SW regionals!

    Chuk-Yang Seng

  12. Jared Truby went to Costa Rica with Cafe Imports after winning the 2012 SouthWest regionals.

    Kyle Gooch
    Lindsay, ON, Canada

  13. Costa Rica with Cafe Imports after winning the 2012 Southwest Regional Barista Competition

    Gergely Salfai-Kovács

  14. He went to Costa Rica with Cafe Imports after winning the 2012 SW regionals.

    Jamie Ferguson
    Florida, USA

  15. Went to Costa Rica with Cafe Imports after winning the 2012 SW regionals!

    Su Eng Tan

  16. His first experience was going with Cafe Imports to Costa Rica after winning the Southwest Regional Barista Competition in 2012.

    Lauren Ames

  17. Went to Costa Rica with Cafe Imports after winning the 2012 SW regionals!

    Mark fung

  18. Yo!

    Costa Rica with Cafe Imports winning the 2012 Southwest Regional Barista Competition


    Dean Kallivrousis

  19. His first expirience was going with Cafe imports to Costa Rica. After winning 2012 Southwest Regional Barista Competition.

    Zauner Benedikt

  20. COSTA RICA!!!!!!!!!!!! Went with Cafe Imports after being the Winner in the 2012 SW Regionals!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woop!

    Rebecca Ibarra

  21. He went to Costa Rica with Cafe Imports after winning the 2012 SW regionals.

    Scott Isely

  22. Costa Rica with Cafe Imports after winning the 2012 SW regionals.

    Jacob Archer

  23. Was his experience on the cafe import trip to Costa Rica.

    Eduardo Rodriguez

  24. Costa Rica with Cafe Imports winning the 2012 Southwest Regional Barista Competition

    cas peyer

  25. Truby’s first origin trip was to Costa Rica with Cafe Imports whenever he won the 2012 Southwest Regional Barista Competition.

    Eric Busby

  26. His first experience was going with Cafe Imports to Costa Rica after winning the Southwest Regional Barista Competition in 2012. He was humbled by the impact people can have on coffee-producing countries.

    Heidi Kratzke

  27. Costa Rica on the cafe imports trip.
    Read it out of my signed copy of bmag!

    Harold McGovern
    Brooklyn NYC

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