Let’s Play Barista Magazine’s Humpday Giveaway #70! (July 16, 2014 Edition)

Humpday Giveaway is Barista Magazine's weekly trivia contest for fun and prizes

Welcome to Humpday Giveaway #70!

Barista Magazine’s weekly trivia contest for fun and prizes!

It’s another Wednesday and another chance to play our weekly trivia contest, Humpday Giveaway, for a chance to win some cool prizes! Up for grabs this week a prize pack from our friends at Portland’s own Coava Coffee who recently celebrated an anniversary, and wanted to share the love by sending out some of their terrific coffee and a trucker hat to one lucky winner somewhere in this great big world of ours!

Humpday giveaway #70 prize Coava Coffee trucker hat
Keep on truckin’ with this sweet lid from Coava (and you get some amazing coffee too!)

Obviously, you want to win the hat, but did we mention you get a bag of coffee to boot? Well you do, and yes, it’s going to be delicious. (And yes, the folks at Coava are willing to ship these great prizes anywhere in the world, so everyone is free to play Humpday Giveaway this week!) So let’s get on with the question and your chance to win! But first this rules:

Humpday Giveaway Rules

โ€Answer the trivia question by referencing the ย current issue of Barista Magazine ย (June + July 2014). ย You can look at the whole issue for free online by going ย HERE.

โ€Leave ย YOUR ANSWER ย plus your ย FIRST and LAST NAMES, as well as ย YOUR COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE, in the blog comments section. ย 

โ€Answers may be submitted between ย 7 ย a.m. PDT on Wednesday, July 16, 2014, through 6:59 a.m. PDT on Thursday, July 17, 2014.

โ€The names of those who submitted the correct answer will be entered into a drawing, and ย Barista Magazine ย will randomly select a ย winner, which will be announced on ย Thursday, July 17, 2014 at 10 a.m. PDT ย right here on the ย Barista Magazine ย blog.

Ok, so now the big question:

Question: ย Which ย were the first two African countries to participate in the Cup of Excellence as noted in the Master Q&A with Susie Spindler?

Think you know the answer? Then type it into ย the comments section ย below (along with ย your first and last names ย and ย country of residence)! And you’ll have a shot at winning this week’s prize!

Good luck and thanks for playing ย Barista Magazine หœs Humpday Giveaway!

About baristamagazine 2265 Articles
Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.


  1. The Cup of Excellence (COE), named by Susie Spindler was created to find great coffees and pay farmers more money for their product(s). The first two African countries to participate in this program were Rwanda and Burundi in that particular order.

    Luis Baca

  2. The first two African countries to participate in the Cup of Excellence were Rwanda and Burundi.

    Brooke McLane
    United States of America

  3. The first two African countries to participate in the Cup of Excellence were Rwanda and Burundi.

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