Let’s Play Humpday Giveaway! #19 (June 26 Edition)

Hurray, it’s Wednesday! So not only are we halfway through another week (and officially into summer – at least in the Northern Hemisphere), but it’s also time to play another round of Humpday Giveaway!

Some places it's always seemingly summer like Santa Cruz, California.
Some places it’s always seemingly summer like Santa Cruz, California.

This week we have a tremendous prize pack from a little coffee roaster down California way that you may have heard of called VERVE!

Verve Coffee Roasters donated this week's awesome prize pack!
Verve Coffee Roasters donated this week’s awesome prize pack!

Verve was the host of the Southwest Regional Barista Competition, and I was fortunate enough to get a chance to visit both the company’s cafes and its roastery. The cafes were slamming and super stylish. And the roastery was beautiful, just like Santa Cruz. Both Verve and its hometown are well worth a visit. Check out this machine!

A wicked, cool Spirit at the Downtown location of Verve.
A wicked, cool Spirit at the Downtown location of Verve.

The folks who work at Verve really reflect the laid-back surf-town vibe of Santa Cruz. They’re friendly, knowledgable, but not overbearing, and the place, like the town they live in, is super-cool. Oh, and guess what? They also take great pride in serving exceptional coffees. So when they said they wanted to donate a prize for this week’s contest, we were excited. When they said they wanted to donate a prize pack, we did backflips, metaphorically anyway, and honestly, this is so rad I may have to enter Humpday Giveaway too. (Unfortunately, for me, some rules say that’s not allowed, but hey good news for all of you!) So what are we giving away this week? Well this:

This week's prizes tastefully modeled for you!
This week’s prizes tastefully modeled for you!

No, it’s not just the sweet T-shirt. And no it’s not just the Golden State camping mugs. It’s both of those, plus two amazing coffees! You get a bag of Verve’s signature espresso Streetlevel, and a bag of single-origin Rafael Lozano from Colombia! Now that’s a prize pack! (See why we wanted to do backflips?)

Ok, so now we’ve got to get to the business end of Humpday Giveway. That means we’ve got to ask you a question, and you’ve got to answer it, so you can get in the drawing and win!

This week’s question: Dalla Corte is the official espresso machine of two world championships being held at the SCAE event in Nice, France this week. Which two events are they? (Need some help to figure it out? You might find the answer in the June + July 2013 issue of Barista Magazine. Just saying…)

Know the answer? Then this is what you need to do: Leave it as a comment below. Also we need your FIRST and LAST names, so we can identify you.

Good luck to everyone! (And yes, I’m a bit jealous to whomever of you wins.)


And here’s the small print: The contest is open for 24 hours from the time this post goes up (7:00 AM PDT on June 26 through 6:59 AM PDT on June 27). All correct entries will be put into a hat ย mug, and one winner will be drawn. The winner’s name will be posted Thursday, June 27 at 10:00 AM PDT. Please note: Due to shipping restrictions, this week’s prize can only be sent to addresses in the U.S. and Canada.

About Ken 264 Articles
Kenneth R. Olson (he/him) is co-founder and publisher of Barista Magazine the worldwide trade magazine for the professional coffee community. He has written extensively about specialty coffee, traveled near and far for stories, activities, and fun, and been invited to present on topics important to coffee culture. He is also an avid fan state parks, public libraries, and physical media.


  1. Two fun events…world coffee in good spirits and world latte art championship event!

  2. World Latte Art Championship and World Coffee in Good Spirits Championship!

    Such a huge Verve fan here!

  3. World Latte Art Championship, and World Coffee in Good Spirits Championship!

    Now Gimmee, Gimmee!

  4. World Latte Art Championship & World Coffee in Good Spirits Championship in Nice

  5. The World Latte Art Championship and the World Coffee in Good Spirits Championship. Merci.

  6. The World Coffee in Good Spirits Championship and the World Latte Art Championship! (And damn, why am I not *THERE* this week?!)

  7. World Coffee in Good Spirits Championship and World Latte Art Championship. Barista Magazine is so awesome !

  8. World Latte-art championship & World Coffee in good spirts championship!!!!!!

  9. World latte are championship and world coffee in good spirits championship

  10. World Latte Art Championship & World Coffee in Good Spirits Championship.

  11. World Latte Art Championship, and
    World Coffee in Good Spirits Championship

  12. The World Latte Art and World Coffee in Good Spirits Championships! Thanks much.

  13. World latte art championship and the world coffee in good spirits championship. Thanks verve and barista magazine!

  14. World Latte Art Championships and World Coffee in Good Spirits Competition.

  15. World Latte Art Championship & World Coffee in Good Spirits Championship!

  16. World Latte Art Championship and World Coffee in Good Spirits Championship.
    Juan Munoz

  17. In no order of importance:

    World Latte Art Competition
    World Coffee in Good Spirits Competition

  18. World latte art championship and the world coffee in good spirits championship

    Steven Lim

  19. The World Latte Art Championships and
    The World Coffee in Good Spirits Championship

  20. WLA and WCIGS, of course!
    (World Latte Art and World Coffee in Good Spirits, of course!)

  21. World Coffee in Good Spirits Championship (WCIGS)
    World Latte Art Championship (WLA)


  22. World Coffee in Good Spirits Championship & World Latte Art Championship.

    Verve is on my list of shops to visit. Looks like a beautiful interior!

  23. World Latte Art Championship and World Coffee in Good Spirits Championship!

    Curtis Lu

  24. World latte art championship and world coffee in good spirits championship

    Chuk-Yang Seng

  25. I’ll go with the World Latte Art Championship and the World Coffee in Good Spirits Championship.

  26. World Coffee in Good Spirits Championship & World Latte Art Championships!

  27. World Latte Art Championship 2013 & World Coffee In Good Spirits Championship 2013

  28. World Coffee in Good Spirits Championship 2013 and World Latte Art Championship

  29. The World Latte Art & The World Coffee in Good Spirits championships!.

  30. Dalla Corte has the official expresso machine for World Latte Art championship and the World Coffee in Good Spirits Championship (which I wish I could sample!)

  31. World Latte Art Championships and World Coffee in Good Spirits Championship

  32. World Latte Art Championships and Coffee in Good Spirits Championship (coffee+cocktails) June 26-28!

    …woops on the last name thing.

  33. WOW I want it!!
    SCAE World of Coffee Exhibition June 26-28
    World Latte Art Championship & World Coffee in Good Spirits Championship!

  34. World Latte Art Championhip and the World Coffee In Good Spirts Championship.

  35. Dalla Corte is the official espresso machine of the World Latte Art Championhip and the World Coffee In Good Spirts Championship.

  36. World Latte Art Championships and World Coffee in Good Spirits Championship

  37. Answer for June 26 Hump Day Giveaway: World Latte Art Championships and World Coffee in Good Spirits Competition.

  38. World Latte Art Championship and World Coffee In Good Spirits Championship!

    Rose Pacubas

  39. World Latte Art Championship and World Coffee in Good Spirits Championship!

    Marco Angelo Acero

  40. World latte art championship and World Coffee in Good Spirit Championship!

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