Let’s Play Humpday Giveaway! #23 (July 31 Edition)

Hi guys! Happy Humpday! Hope your summer’s going great! One of the cool things about the specialty coffee industry is that life for us slows down a little in this warm season. Customers linger over cold brew, coworkers go on vacation, and the coffee conferences, trade shows, and competitions go on hiatus, as well. So I was excited to hear from Matt Brown at Coava Coffee Roasters here in Portland, Ore., recently about some cool new projects the microroaster is working on ”namely, this tight new packaging.

Coava's new packaging is not only gorgeous and super sturdy, it's recyclable, as well.
Coava’s new packaging is not only gorgeous and super sturdy, it’s recyclable, as well.

Matt was so excited about the packaging that he offered up a killer prize pack from Coava for a Humpday Giveaway prize! Did I think you guys would dig that? Hells yes!

The winner of this week’s Humpday Giveaway will not only win one of Coava’s radical Zeppelin style tshirts, but also a bag of Coava’s delicious Blanca Diva Sanchez from Colombia,  and a bag of Santa Sophia from El Salvador! That’s insane!

This week's Humpday Giveaway prize is this awesome Coava Zeppelin T (modeled by DevChap) in your choice of size, as well as not one but TWO bags of Coava Coffee!
This week’s Humpday Giveaway prize is this awesome Coava Zeppelin T (modeled by DevChap) in your choice of size, as well as not one but TWO bags of Coava Coffee!

An guess what, international friends? Coava will ship this prize anywhere in the whole wide world! So please play along!

OK, so here goes…

QUESTION:  According to the article, “Latte Art Lessons from the Pros” in the June + July 2013 issue of Barista Magazine, what is the single most important part of creating and improving your latte art?

Think you know the answer? Then type it into the comments section below, along with your FIRST and LAST names (so we can ID you if you win!).

The names of all the people who submit the correct answer will go into a drawing tomorrow morning for this kickass prize pack from our friends at Coava Coffee Roasters in Portland, Oregon. We’ll accept entries from now through 6:59 a.m. PDT on Thursday.

So get on it! Let’s play Humpday Giveaway!!

About baristamagazine 2265 Articles
Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.


  1. Milk quality, beautifully textured and microfoamed milk
    Simon Villeneuve

  2. Milk quality, beautifully textured and microfoamed milk
    Rebekah Villeneuve

  3. “Milk quality. Beautifully textured, microfoamed milk is the single most important part…”

  4. Steamed milk quality is the most important part to make and improve your latte art

  5. Before you pour a drop, though, one thing is crucial to master: Milk quality. Beautifully textured, microfoamed milk is the single most important part of creating and improving your art.

  6. Laurie Works – milk quality! Nothing like that beautiful, silky microfoam… mmm mm!

  7. Gotta have that quality milk texture. Learned that from @sexyfoam himself, the immortal Mr. Lem Butler.

  8. Gotta have that quality milk texture. Learned that from @sexyfoam himself, the immortal Mr. Lem Butler.

  9. Beautifully textured and aerated milk is the most important thing for latte art. If you don’t have good milk quality, your rosettas are sunk before they even get out of the pitcher.

    Liv Ingram

  10. “Milk quality. Beautifully textured, microfoamed milk is the single most important part.”

  11. The single most important part is beautifully textured, microfoamed milk, attained by Milk Quality.

  12. Milk quality is the most important prerequisite for pouring superb latte art

  13. Milk quality is the most important prerequisite for pouring superb latte art

  14. Before you pour a drop, though, one thing is crucial to master: Milk quality. Beautifully textured, microfoamed milk is the single most important part of creating and improving your art.

  15. Milk quality. Beautifully textured, microfoamed milk is the single most important part

  16. Before you pour a drop, though, one thing is crucial to master: Milk quality. Beautifully textured, microfoamed milk is the single most important part of creating and improving your art.

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