Let’s Play Humpday Giveaway, for a Delicious Prize from Birch Coffee!

and this awesome cold brew kit!

If you’re lucky, you’ve gotten at least a taste of what summer’s going to be like after this long-ass winter. Here in Portland, Ore., we enjoyed temperatures in the seventies last weekend, and it was totally dreamy. Even though the clouds and cold are back today, that tease of the summer-to-come is getting me through the gray of early April.

But if I wasn’t already smitten with summer anticipation, I was over the moon yesterday after talking with Birch Coffee in Manhattan about their awesome cold brew coffee program. Check out the post HERE if you missed it. The owners, Jeremy Lyman and Paul Schlader, communicated their passion for the detailed, technical art of cold brew coffee with a pretty crazy-awesome photo shoot homage to everyone’s favorite meth TV show, “Breaking Bad.” (Correction: when it comes to me and Ken here at Barista Magazine, it’s our favorite TV show period.)

OK, so it’s established we’re salivating for cold brew โ€now get this: Jeremy and Paul decided to donate this week’s Humpday Giveaway prize, and โ€yep, you guessed it โ€it’s all about the cold brew.

At Birch Coffee, they roast a blend of South and Central American coffees specifically to be used as cold brew โ€so you know they’ve been working on this formula pretty seriously. The roast and brew this coffee and deliver it around NYC by bike in jugs for New Yorkers to enjoy.

Since you guys reading this blog aren’t actually IN Manhattan (well, probably some of you are, but you know where I’m going with this), and the guys at Birch still want you to enjoy their amazing cold brew, they have put together a pretty sweet prize so you can make it happen at home:

You get a 3/4 pound bag of Birch’s famous especially-for-cold-brew coffee, plus an entire home cold brewing kit! This kit from Filtron is tight: it includes:

  • Coffee Bowl with Handle
  • Water Bowl
  • Wool felt pad with plastic storage container
  • Rubber Stopper
  • Grounds guard
  • 1 ounce measuring cup
  • 1-1/2 Liter decanter
  • 2 Sample paper liners

Essentially, the Birch guys got you covered for cold brew. They are setting you UP.

So let’s get to the Humpday Giveaway so one of y’all can win this prize pack! NOTE: Due to shipping restrictions on the prize, we can only accept entries from the United States and Canada.

OK, so as always, the answer to the trivia question comes from the current issue, which as of Monday is this one:

The April/May 2013 issue of Barista Magazine.
The April/May 2013 issue of Barista Magazine.

Haven’t gotten your copy in the mail yet, or you’re not a subscriber but you want to play Humpday Giveaway anyway? No problem! Just read the whole issue online for free! And scour those pages for the answer to this mystery:

Question: Incoming 2nd VP of the SCAA, Tracy Allen, first experimented with roasting in the mid 1980s on what kind of machine?

Think you know the answer? Then leave it in the comment section of this blog! Everyone (from the US and Canada) who submits the correct answer by midnight PDT will have their name entered into a drawing. Tomorrow morning at Barista Magazine HQ, we will draw a winning name from the hat, and BLAMMO! This amazing cold brew prize pack from Birch Coffee will be yours! I’ll contact the winner, get his/her mailing address, and the nice guys at Birch will put the package in the mail pronto. And that’s it! Playing Humpday Giveaway is all about fun!

Thanks for playing this week’s Humpday Giveaway!

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About Sarah 936 Articles
Sarah Allen (she/her) is co-founder and editor of Barista Magazine, the international trade magazine for coffee professionals. A passionate advocate for baristas, quality, and the coffee community, Sarah has traveled widely to research stories, interact with readers, and present on a variety of topics affecting specialty coffee. She also loves animals, swimming, ice cream, and living in Portland, Oregon.


  1. He started out by roasting on his mom’s popcorn popper!

    I really do have to give that a try one day, in the name of science, of course. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. His mom’s popcorn popper! Isn’t that the way everyone starts? ๐Ÿ™‚

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