Let’s Play Humpday Giveaway ”May 29 Edition

We’re back from Melbourne, Australia, and the World Barista Championship, and we’ve hit the ground running: there are always so many exciting things happening in the world of coffee, and lucky for us, we have not only a print magazine but a daily blog that we can use to get all the top news to you, our amazing and wonderful readers.

We also use this online space as a platform for fun contests with a coffee lover’s dream prizes, in the form of Humpday Giveaway, our weekly blog contest wherein you, the readers, answer a fun (and pretty simple) trivia question. You figure out the answer, type it into the blog comments section below along with your first AND last names, and all of you with the correct answer will be entered into a drawing to win a super awesome prize!

Since we just returned from more than 20 hours of airplane travel, we’re thinking about how terrible the coffee can be at 40,000 feet ”unless, of course, you have an AeroPress with you. Just watch how Jason Dominy of Batdorf & Bronson makes his AeroPress work for him when he’s up in the air:

We’re super excited to announce that our awesome advertiser Prima has contributed this week’s Humpday Giveaway prize: a brand new AeroPress and an Able Disk Fine! What an amazing prize! Prima has all sorts of cool products for baristas and cafe owners available ”just check out their website!

Now the winner of this week’s Humpday Giveaway will be set for all kinds of brew-on-the-go situations. Thanks, Prima!

humpday logo jpg

OK, so since we’re still on the heels of the World Barista Championship wherein United States Barista Champ Pete Licata won the gold, here is a WBC-related question:

The 2014 World Barista Championship is set to take place in Rimini, Italy, June 9 “12 of next year. When was the last ”and only ”time the WBC took place in Italy? Please name the year and the Italian city.

Think you know the answer? Well, then type it into the comments section below along with your first and last name (so we can notify you!). Not sure of the answer? Then get to Googling, pal! The answer is out there on the interwebs just waiting to be found.

We’ll accept answers here until 6:59 a.m. Thursday (Pacific Time). Then keep an eye out for the announcement of which lucky reader has won a brand-new AeroPress and Able Disk Fine from Barista Magazine and Prima!

As always, thanks for playing Humpday Giveaway!

About baristamagazine 2258 Articles
Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.


  1. 2004 in Trieste, Italy.

    It was the 5th WBC and Tim Wendleboe was the champion!

  2. 2004 in Trieste, Italy

    Interesting to see all the Scandinavian countries winning top honors previously!

  3. ooh, Able disk, Aeropress play and experimenting time!
    it was in 2004, Trieste.

  4. Well of course it is: 2004 in Trieste, Italy! I always wanted an aeropress!

  5. As with everybody else, it was in 2004, in Trieste, Italy! Thanks for the giveaways!

  6. Oh yes! I really need this with these long haul flights! Thanks for the opportunity!

    The Answer: Trieste, Italy in 2004.

  7. It was in 2004 in Trieste, Italy where Tim Wendelboe from Norway won his gold

  8. I’ll go out on a limb here and say it was in Trieste, Italy, in 2004.

    – Nick Andreetta

  9. It was in Trieste, Italy in 2004. The winner was Tim Wendleboe from Norway!

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