Meet Northwest Regional Barista Champ Devin Chapman!

As the proud Media Sponsor of the United States Barista Championship since 2005, Barista Magazine has always compiled and produced a beautiful printed program that serves as a guide, collectors item, introduction to the Regional Barista Champions and the Regional Brewers Cup Champions, all the party info for the SCAA show, and much more! 2013 is no different. This year’s Official United States Barista Championship.U.S. Brewers Cup Event Program is at the printer right now! But we thought we’d give you a sneak peek at some of the most popular content in the program, the Regional Barista Competition Champs and Regional Brewers Cup Champs profiles.

So without further ado…



Devin Chapman, 2x Northwest Regional Barista Champion, was a finalist in the 2012 USBC.
Devin Chapman, 2x Northwest Regional Barista Champion, was a finalist in the 2012 USBC.

How long have you been a barista?

3 years.


What’s your job title at Coava?

Head of Retail Operations.


If you could offer any advice to baristas interested in competing, what would it be?

Do it. Push yourself. Go after it. Win or lose, it will make you better. Train hard. Give your time to it. Focus on the coffee more than anything else and let it light your way. Reflect on your experience to gain insight on what you really have to say. Peel the layers back. Be open to change. Don’t get hung up on ideas or ingredients ”listen to the coffee. Share everything with the people you make coffee for every day ”customers, co-workers, friends ”because they know you better than you think and their feedback is invaluable. Practice your set-up time.


You just got back from Café Imports’ Origin Trip to Costa Rica, your prize for winning the Northwest Regional Barista Competition last year. What was something amazing you learned on the trip?

Coffee is diverse. There is not one way to roast or brew. There is not one way to process or mill, and there is still so much more to learn.


Why are you back to compete again? What’s the thrill?

Every time I compete I learn more about coffee and am pushed to improve at my job, sort of like bright light to shine on my weaknesses. A competition performance is a microcosm of skill, experience, service, and attention, and it encourages me to understand consumers and create user-friendly bridges into complex ideas. It also challenges me to represent the coffee world more thoughtfully and thoroughly. Also, I don’t think I’ve done my best yet.


How do you make coffee at home?



Any favorite cafés?





About Sarah 936 Articles
Sarah Allen (she/her) is co-founder and editor of Barista Magazine, the international trade magazine for coffee professionals. A passionate advocate for baristas, quality, and the coffee community, Sarah has traveled widely to research stories, interact with readers, and present on a variety of topics affecting specialty coffee. She also loves animals, swimming, ice cream, and living in Portland, Oregon.