New Series! 10 Minutes With…

Dear Barista Magazine’s loyal blog readers,

Happy new year! We’re excited to ring in 2014 with extended coverage of our favorite part of the specialty-coffee culture: people! Alas, we only have six magazine covers a year, and since one of them is the coveted prize of the World Barista Champion in the issue after he/she has been crowned, we really only have five covers to showcase brilliant baristas. And there are about a zillion more than five of you out there!

And it’s not just baristas who make the coffee world go ’round ”there are green buyers, roasters, cafe owners, producers, pickers, managers, cuppers, marketing folks, designers, office managers, writers, photographers… the list goes on and on of the people who contribute in some way to making our industry great.

We introduce: 10 MINUTES WITH… This new series will be blog-exclusive, and will introduce you to countless coffee professionals around the world whose stories are worth hearing. Our criteria for selecting them? Simple: They inspire us. And we think they’ll inspire, entertain, and engage you, too. As you’ll see in the debut of 10 MINUTES WITH… this afternoon, we ask our subjects a handful of questions developed to encourage interesting answers. We’ll also feature great photos of our 10 MINUTES WITH… participants.

If you have someone you’d like to nominate for a 10 MINUTES WITH… column, please feel free to email me at We meet hundreds of amazing people all the time in our coffee travels, but no way do we know all the exceptional people out there. So hopefully, you’ll help!

Thanks, as always, for reading Barista Magazine’s daily blog.


About Sarah 939 Articles
Sarah Allen (she/her) is co-founder and editor of Barista Magazine, the international trade magazine for coffee professionals. A passionate advocate for baristas, quality, and the coffee community, Sarah has traveled widely to research stories, interact with readers, and present on a variety of topics affecting specialty coffee. She also loves animals, swimming, ice cream, and living in Portland, Oregon.