Our Top Five Stories of 2021


This year we published a variety of engaging stories featuring interviews with coffee people, farming and brewing innovations, and endless coffee technology. Here are the five most popular stories that readers scrolled through in 2021, in order of publish date:

1. Spraying Your Coffee Beans

James Hoffmann proposed the idea of spraying water onto coffee beans to reduce coffee static. Photo by Brett Jordan for Unsplash.

Coffee people have strong opinions when it comes to brewing. This article explores the idea of spraying your coffee beans with water before brewing to reduce coffee static, a concept that grinder manufacturers have been considering with their recent product shipments.

2. Cafés Pioneering the Evolution of Boba

Boba just keeps getting better and better. Photo courtesy of Hey Hey.

The world of beverages constantly coincides with the specialty-coffee industry. This year, boba proved to take the strongest artisanal approach to beverages in a way that craft coffee does, and this story features a few boba shops who did just that.

3. Sumiyaki Coffee: Roasting Powered by Charcoal

Smoking beans falling onto the cooling tray. Photo courtesy of Japanese Coffee Co.

This Japanese roasting style combines the power of charcoal with coffee for a uniform, smooth, and smoky flavored coffee.

4. Test Drive: The Picopresso Produces Stellar Espresso at Home

The Picopresso is an improved version of a portable espresso maker for true baristas. Photo by Katrina Yentch.

“Test Drives“ are always a hit on Barista Mag because we love collecting the latest coffee gear to continue experimenting and learning. The Picopresso is an updated version of an earlier product from Wacaco, upgraded with several features that take specialty coffee into serious consideration.

5. Check Out These Colorful Tampers Made From Trashed Skateboards

Skateboards repurposed for coffee tampers. Photo courtesy of Skateboard Creations.

Coffee people love sustainability, so the idea of repurposing old skateboards for tampers is not only eco-friendly but incredibly stylish. We chat with the founder of Skateboard Creations to learn about the inspiration behind the idea and other collaborations they are working on.

About baristamagazine 2276 Articles
Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.