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A few random thoughts…

What  a busy couple of weeks since getting back from Copenhagen, it all seems like a lifetime ago, even though in reality it’s been barely a month. Lots of fun was had getting back to […]

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Biking To Work Is Great!

The few of you that may follow my personal blog are fully aware that I’m terrible at updating the thing. That isn’t to say that much has not happened to M’lissa and I since my […]

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WBC Copenhagen 2008


Here we are! It’s crazy to believe that we made it to this point after three long days of preliminary competition. There are probably 1000 people packed into this small, tight room. First things first: […]

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Do You Want the Rad News or the Ridiculous?

Let’s start with the rad. Our friends at Olympia Coffee Roasting Company ”pssst! they’re the same guys as Espresso Parts! ”just sent us the most bitchen photos of their new delivery system: Here’s what they […]

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Barista Magazine

A weekend in pictures…

(I.e., Sarah will save her stories about Coffee Fest Washington D.C. for the April/May issue of Barista Mag) Thank mercy for Clover in the morning… Nick and Heather co-MCing? Michelle looks nervous… Nick and his […]

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Hibernation over!

The team here at Barista Mag is hard at work putting the final pretty touches on our February/March issue ”we have a lot of treats in store for you! But one thing we’re REALLY excited […]

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Milwaukee Happenings

This post thrills sL for many reasons. It starts with my gateway into Barista Magazine. About 2 years ago, I was given news that my company, Alterra Coffee Roasters, had purchased a new cafe/warehouse space […]

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Surburban Farming

Hot on the heals of Sarah’s tomato farming, I discovered another urban farmer here in sunny old Sydney. Rob Forsyth, owner of Forsyth Coffee, WBC judge and roasting vetran of more than 30 years is […]

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Hey everyone. I wanted to mention that I am now a full time roaster for Ritual Coffee Roasters in beautiful San Francisco. I have one bar shift a week so I can “keep it real” […]