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Bogota to Armenia

Greetings from beautiful Colombia! After a long travel day yesterday, Tuesday, we arrived in Bogota around 9 p.m. local time. We were beat. We gobbled some hamburgers next door to the hotel and hit the […]

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Enn Zed Bee Cee

 Far far away towards the bottom of the earth is a lovely little city called Wellington (aka. Middle Earth) the capital of New Zealand, the town responsible  for these two:    and this year the […]

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The Final Countdown

Man, I sure wish we could add audio to this thing. I urge you to sing along to the classic Europe song as you read… I’m sooo stoked about the SCAA and USBC next week! […]

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Everybody here at Barista Magazine wishes everyone everywhere a very Happy Thanksgiving, or Turkey Day as it’s affectionately known by my nephews. Above you see members of Turkey’s parliament fighting over the last of the […]

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Positive Vibrations

If you are anything like me, you enjoy your weekend mornings.   It is all about working for your weekend mornings.   Whether you are sleeping in from staying up late watching Conan O’ Brien […]