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NBC Iceland 2009

Good Morning NBC!

After some much needed sleep last night, everyone is raring to go this morning, as day number one of the 2009 Nordic Barista Cup (NBC) begins! You would hardly believe it’s just 8 in the […]

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Barista Jams and Events

Twin Cities Barista Jam!

I’m so heartened to see more specialty coffee importers getting on the pro barista bandwagon. It’s great to see folks all along the coffee chain appreciating and understanding that professional baristas are playing an enormous […]

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Buy Another Latte, Cheapskate!

From the NY Times blog, Freakonomics, comes another round of the (Internet) age-old discussion, is offering free wi-fi a good thing for cafés? It’s a lively discussion, and it’s spurred on by the strategy of […]

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Black Week

This week Tim Wendelboe (world barista and world cup tasting champion) launches his new crops at his roastery in Olso, Norway. Besides featuring some really amazing coffees he’ll also do something most coffee shops would […]