Special Projects

Exploring Varietals on an Uber-Micro Scale

I’ve traveled in producing countries with Ryan Knapp before, and I always enjoy being at farms with him; he asks very thoughtful and interesting questions, always things I wouldn’t have thought to inquire about. So […]

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A Community Bigger Than Coffee

I had the opportunity to attend a new event last night hosted by Bellissimo at the American Barista and Coffee School. Called “A Taste of…” the evening brought together a few craftspeople from the Portland […]

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Cool Colombian Cupping

I headed over to Sustainable Harvest, a coffee importing company based here in Portland, earlier today to take part in a cupping they were hosting. It’s part of an effort that they’re making to help […]

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Put it on ice

I can’t believe it’s already the last week of August. Next weekend is Labor Day, traditionally marking the end of summer here in the States. Naturally temperatures will begin to cool as the days grow […]