People in Coffee

Gianni Cassatini: Celebrating a Life in Coffee

We commemorate the life of longtime specialty-coffee promoter and passionate barista advocate, Gianni Cassatini. BY SARAH ALLENBARISTA MAGAZINE If it feels like Gianni Cassatini has been woven into the fabric of the specialty-coffee community—in the […]

Know Your Ingredients

Know Your Ingredients: Cacao

This time of year, chocolate is everywhere you look—but the story of cacao goes back thousands of years, starting with the ancient cultures of South America. BY EMILY JOY MENESESBARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Featured photo sourced […]

Alyson Welch in a blonde white woman in her 40s. She poses with her arms crossed smiling in a grassy field.
10 Minutes With...

10 Minutes With Alyson Welch

We get to know Food 4 Farmers’ new executive director. BY CHRIS RYANBARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Photos courtesy of Aly Welch Food 4 Farmers is a nonprofit organization that collaborates with Latin American coffee-farming communities to […]