10 Minutes With...

10 Minutes With Nicole Battefeld

Nicole Battefeld is the 2018 German Barista Champion. The national champion talks about her origin story and what it means to defend her title. BY CAROLINE CORMIERSPECIAL TO BARISTA MAGAZINE Photos courtesy of Tai Lückerath […]


The Barista League Returns to Sweden

In addition to its next event—January 26 event in Sweden—The Barista League will host competitions in Croatia and the USA in 2019, with some new additions to the format. BY CHRIS RYAN BARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE […]

10 Minutes With...

10 Minutes With Andrea B. Pacas

The young entrepreneur who cofounded the award-winning Coffunity app talks about growing up around coffee, launching a business while still in college, and why coffee is a rewarding career path. BY CHRIS RYAN BARISTA MAGAZINE […]