10 Minutes With...

10 Minutes With Alexander Ruas

Alexander Ruas Coach for Swedish National Barista Team & Creative Coffee Consultant Stockholm, Sweden What other coffee jobs have you had? I’ve always been a freelance/consultant coffee dude but I’ve shared my office with Drop […]

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Barista Jams and Events

Summer Jam

Back when I was a music critic for The Oakland Tribune in the San Francisco Bay Area, there was an annual concert in August at the Concord Pavilion that I would inevitably have to review […]

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Stumptown Summer BBQ

Portland took a somewhat rudely long time to get to summer this year. We had rain and dark days through mid June. Then we got weeks of fairly uncomfortable heat. Yes, I sound like a […]

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BTR NoCal Roadtrip

Napa Daze

We blew into Napa late in the afternoon on Saturday, and hit Naya’s (of Ritual) 30th birthday party full force. Hosted by Grayson at his lovely riverside house, the party was slammin with the first […]