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Crawling forth in 2010…

Well, we’re off to a slow start in coffee news in 2010, which makes sense when you consider how cold most of us are (except you, Australia and New Zealand. Stop rubbing our freezing noses […]

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Coffee Fest

Top Cup Challenge: Win Money!

Pacific Natural Foods debuted the Top Cup Challenge at Coffee Fest Seattle last fall, and it was a huge hit! If you didn’t get a chance to participate in the Challenge, however, never fear: it’s […]

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Put it on ice

I can’t believe it’s already the last week of August. Next weekend is Labor Day, traditionally marking the end of summer here in the States. Naturally temperatures will begin to cool as the days grow […]

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Coup in Honduras

Read the Wall Street Journal’s report here. And the New York Times here. In the first coup in Central America since the end of the Cold War, Honduran soldiers forced the president to flee to […]

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On the Streets of Philadelphia…

Over at his blog, Jay Caragay has an interesting report on a coffee crawl he recently had through the City of Brotherly Love. No mention of a cheesestake or the Liberty Bell not even the […]