10 Minutes With...

10 Minutes With Alex Kipling

After working as a barista in Brazil, Californian Alex Kipling built a bridge connecting this country to his homeland—a bridge made of coffee. BY PAULO PEDROSO SPECIAL TO BARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Photos courtesy of Alex […]

Barista Magazine

Master Q+A Continued: Emilio Lopez Diaz—Part 2

We were lucky enough to interview El Salvador’s multi-talented Emilio Lopez Diaz—coffee producer, retailer, roaster, and so much more—for the Master Q + A feature in the August + September 2018 issue of Barista Magazine. […]

First Year Competitors

First Year Competitors—Colin Whitcomb

Spilled drinks, misunderstood rules, and countless hours of practice—this is what first year coffee competitors go through. We revisit their experiences for stories that will inspire, motivate, and perhaps make you cringe.   In this series, we share stories […]