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Why We Heart Kyle Glanville

Chris Baca and Drew Cattlin of RitRo rolled into Portland the other day (on their way back from Minneapolis, part 2 of their epic USBC road trip) and I got together with them and some […]

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Hibernation over!

The team here at Barista Mag is hard at work putting the final pretty touches on our February/March issue ”we have a lot of treats in store for you! But one thing we’re REALLY excited […]

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oh… right, that barista jam thing

I’ve been expecting something exciting and interesting to happen soon at the shop. Something Barista Mag Blog worthy… I’m not sure it’s gonna happen. Then I remembered that we had that barista jam with Metropolis […]

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Non-Coffee Beverages

A New Specialty Drink

Let’s face the facts here:   We all drink a lot of coffee.   Whether we are participating in cuppings with our local roasters or enjoying a French pressed cup over a good book at […]