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Posts worth Reading

Twitter is a lot of fun, and a great way to share a lot of information. But that is also a downside. As the flow of information keeps rolling uninterrupted, it’s easy for worthwhile reading […]

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Meet the Makers

Some years ago, Stumptown Coffee Roasters here in Portland, Ore. (heard of them?) launched a series of events called “Meet the Producers.” The events brought coffee famers up to Portland to meet consumers at Stumptown’s […]

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While we were at Coffee Fest Seattle, one of Italy’s most famous coffee shows ”TriestEspresso ”was taking place on the other side of the world, in Trieste, Italy, to be exact. I was lucky enough […]

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What Inspires Us

A NOTE FROM RHODE ISLAND… I had an email in my inbox from a woman, Holley Badger, whom I met in Rhode Island a few weeks ago when I was attending the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast (MANE) Artisan […]

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Let's Talk Coffee '10 - Peru

Friday in Peru

Friday was the first full day of let’s talk coffee 2010 here in tarapoto. There were trainings, cupping, demos, lectures, and one-on-one meetings between producers and their buyers. I spent most of my time with […]

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Welcome to Peru!

Let’s Talk Coffee officially got underway yesterday in the small town of Lamas. Lamas is just about thirty minutes outside of Tarapoto. And of course Tarapoto is the site of this year’s Ltc event. So […]

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Let's Talk Coffee '10 - Peru

Baristas Working and Playing in Peru

Sustainable Harvest’s annual event, Let’s Talk Coffee ”which brings together roasters, producers and baristas in a coffee growing country ”kicks off in just a few days! But some hard-working coffee professionals are already in this […]