A closeup of coffee bags with red cherries in them.
Coffee Producers

Coffee-Growing in Vietnam: Part 2

We ask Vietnamese + Vietnamese American roasters to give us their take on the future of coffee in the country. BY SPENCER AUBREYSPECIAL TO BARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Cover photo courtesy of Erics Kun Yesterday, we […]

An arm holds a tin mug on top of a green mountain in Vietnam. It is a clear sky day.
Coffee Producers

Coffee-Growing in Vietnam: Part 1

We explore how coffee came to Vietnam and learn more from Vietnamese-owned cafés in this two-part feature. BY SPENCER AUBREYSPECIAL TO BARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Cover photo by Chang Duong for Unsplash Vietnam has always been […]

A producer in Timor Leste picks coffee cherries from the plant.

Coffee from Timor-Leste

Here’s what you need to know about this Southeast Asian nation and its coffee-growing history. BY KATRINA YENTCHBARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Photos provided by Sucafina Specialty Amongst the Southeast Asian countries that grow coffee, Indonesia, Vietnam, […]