Four members who work at Enderly smile sitting on chairs spread out at the front of Enderly Coffee's bar. They are wearing face masks.
10 Minutes With...

10 Minutes With Tony Santoro

We chat with the owner of Enderly Coffee about his café’s mission and community-first business model. BY ZECHARIAH MOSSSPECIAL TO BARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Cover photo courtesy of Enderly Coffee With the motto “people first, coffee […]

Alyson Welch in a blonde white woman in her 40s. She poses with her arms crossed smiling in a grassy field.
10 Minutes With...

10 Minutes With Alyson Welch

We get to know Food 4 Farmers’ new executive director. BY CHRIS RYANBARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Photos courtesy of Aly Welch Food 4 Farmers is a nonprofit organization that collaborates with Latin American coffee-farming communities to […]

a closeup of hands holding a seedling in a rainforest forest
Climate Change

Carbon Emissions in the Coffee Industry: Part II

Agricultural organizations, including coffee-producing groups, take charge of nature-based climate solutions. BY ALEXA ROMANOSPECIAL TO BARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Cover photo courtesy of Alexa Romano Our recent first article in this series about carbon and coffee […]

A house on a slanted slope.
Cup of Excellence

Quality Shines at Cup of Excellence Nicaragua

Four coffees of 90+ points highlighted the 2021 incarnation of the annual event. BY CHRIS RYANBARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Photos courtesy of Alliance for Coffee Excellence Cup of Excellence (CoE), the competition organized by the nonprofit […]

A night time scene of the top of a volcano erupting. A single stream of lava drips out the top.

Growing Coffee in Volcanic Regions

We explore how volcanoes benefit coffee cultivation, and what life is like for farmers living in these regions. BY EMILY MENESESSPECIAL TO BARISTA MAGAZINE ONLINE Cover photo sourced from Unsplash The coffee industry has long […]