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What’s Up in Ethiopia?

Last August, the Ethiopian government mandated that all coffee must be traded through the Ethiopian Commodity Exchange (ECX), eliminating direct trade with specialty coffee producers. In a recent paper, a writer in the Ethiopian Review […]

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What's Up in Ethiopia?

Last August, the Ethiopian government mandated that all coffee must be traded through the Ethiopian Commodity Exchange (ECX), eliminating direct trade with specialty coffee producers. In a recent paper, a writer in the Ethiopian Review […]

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Meet Gwilym!

For the third year in a row, Square Mile Coffee Roasters will be represented at the World Barista Championship as the coffee of choice of the UK Barista Champion ”good news for all of us […]

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Last Official Day of LTC

Today is the last day of the Let’s Talk Coffee event in Colombia — it’s been a heck of a time. Tomorrow ”Monday ”Chris Baca and I will go visit a farm called La Rochella […]

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Report from Africa

Today I received an email from our friend Shane Devereaux, owner of habit coffee + culture in Victoria, B.C., about how his extended trip to Africa for various coffee trainings is going, and thought I’d […]

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NBC - Sweden 2007

Back to Managua

Yesterday, the Nordic Barista Cup travelling roadshow rolled through the north part of Nicaragua. We saw a different climate, much drier, than the other coffee producing regions of the country, and perhaps that climate difference […]

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You Can Call Me Al!

Congratulations to Vice President Al Gore for winning the Nobel Peace Prize this morning! In the last year, Gore has won an Emmy, an Oscar and now a Nobel Prize! Not bad. Of course he […]

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Surburban Farming

Hot on the heals of Sarah’s tomato farming, I discovered another urban farmer here in sunny old Sydney. Rob Forsyth, owner of Forsyth Coffee, WBC judge and roasting vetran of more than 30 years is […]

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Barista Magazine

A little somethin' extra

When I went to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, to interview and photograph Jon Lewis for the August/September issue of Barista Magazine, I took hundreds and hundreds of photos. Jessica, Barista Magazine’s amazing art director, was able […]