
On the Ground at the Big Central

Barista Magazine Publisher Kenneth R. Olson is in Minneapolis this weekend for the Big Central, which brings four ”count ’em, four ”competitions together under one roof. Thanks to the generous support of hosts Cafe Imports […]

Barista Jams and Events

Countdown to Coffee Fest Chicago!

Not that we’re over our giddiness from the World Barista Championship (WBC) in Melbourne, which concluded Sunday with the United States sweeping the World Brewers Cup (Erin McCarthy) and the WBC (Pete Licata), but we’re […]

SCAA Boston 2013

Give it up for Saturday! THE GUIDE

Can you believe it’s Saturday already? We sure can’t. This SCAA show is going fast! But there’s still tons to see and do! And a lot of competition excitement to be a part of! Here’s […]

SCAA Boston 2013

What’s the Haps, Friday? THE GUIDE

Happy Friday, everyone! Hmm. It feels weird saying that, because usually ‘happy Friday’ refers to that OMG-it’s-almost-the-weekend feeling. But here at the SCAA show in Boston, every day of the four-day event makes us feel […]

SCAA Boston 2013

Hi there, Thursday! THE GUIDE

Hooray, hooray, this day is finally here! And by this day, I mean the first day of all the barista- and cafe-owner-centric events at the SCAA show here in Boston! Here are our picks for […]