Parents of Champion/Cover Boy

I absolutely love it when parents of our writers and subjects contact me for a copy of the issue of Barista Magazine that their kid was in — it happens a LOT, and usually those parents end up subscribing, which is the coolest. But I’ve never actually received a photo of the parents looking at the magazine. Thanks to camera-happy WBC champion, Stephen Morrissey, it finally happened!


Here are Brendan and Geraldine Morrissey checking out the Barista Magazine feature on their WBC-winning son.


The Barista Mag office has been buzzing lately as Ken and I are in a particularly heavy travel schedule (I was in Mexico for the barista championship; then we were both in Seattle for Coffee Fest; I leave for Colombia and Let’s Talk Coffee on Tuesday; and Ken heads to El Salvador for the barista championship in another week) so we’ve been scrambling to get our jobs done here at home. This is all to say, we apologize for not blogging as much during the scant days we’ve been in Portland.

But our travel schedules will include much blogging from Colombia and El Salvador, so please check back often!

Barista hugs,


About Sarah 936 Articles
Sarah Allen (she/her) is co-founder and editor of Barista Magazine, the international trade magazine for coffee professionals. A passionate advocate for baristas, quality, and the coffee community, Sarah has traveled widely to research stories, interact with readers, and present on a variety of topics affecting specialty coffee. She also loves animals, swimming, ice cream, and living in Portland, Oregon.


  1. m’lissa, if you find that photo, i’ll put it on the blog in 2 seconds flat!

    i so wish you were coming to colombia, too… i promise to protect baca…

  2. I think I have a photo of my mom when I first showed her the Feb/March issue… she’s crying.. I’ll try to find it and send it your way!
    big hugs, I wish we were going to Colombia too.. 🙁

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