Rimini: World AeroPress Comp & The Story So Far

And the announcement of the winner...

Article and photos by Kate Beard

This week, the entire coffee world ”from producers to roasters to baristas to machine-makers to just-plain-caffeine-addicts ”have descended upon the resort town of Rimini, Italy. Sitting at the eastern end of the ancient road Via Emilia, this one-time important Roman city offers sea, sun, sand, and an impressive selection of gelato (obviously the most important bit). One could argue that though all roads normally lead to Rome, one of the Roman roads is leading everyone to Rimini. And for good reason, too! Let’s take a look at some of the things that have been happening in  bellissimo  Rimini the past two days.

Things started very early for the many people working with World Coffee Events, whose shuttle departed bright and early at 6:30 am to bring them to the convention center for preparation and calibration.

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Gwilym Davies calibrating judges
Gwilym Davies calibrating judges

As the judges calmly prepared out front, backstage was a flurry of activity. Baristas, their entourages, their coaches, and the WCE volunteers all got down to business. People were running through routines, loading carts, polishing equipment, tasting espressos, steaming milk, and giving feedback and support right up until the last minute.

As the competition began, things began to heat up onstage and off ”both literally and figuratively.  Despite the inherent tension competitions bring, there were smiles all around.

Christina Solomons, SCAE official photog, and Gianna Cassatini, Nuova Simonelli
Christina Solomons, SCAE official photog, and Gianna Cassatini, Nuova Simonelli
Jeremy Challender of Prufrock
Jeremy Challender of Prufrock

Supporters waved flags and held up signs for their country’s competitor; after their performances, some baristas ran to the stands to receive congratulations from their friends, family, and fans.

Ben Put's Canadian supporters and their sabre-toothed tiger t-shirts
Ben Put’s Canadian supporters and their sabre-toothed tiger t-shirts
Laila Ghambari's US contingent
Laila Ghambari’s US contingent
Hidenori Izaki greets his friends after his performance
Hidenori Izaki greets his friends after his performance

After an exhaustive day of competition, almost everyone was ready to cut loose on the beach. Thank goodness then that La Marzocco has rented out Turquoise Beach Club, and is throwing a party every night this week! On Monday, the World Aeropress Championships were held there as the sun began to set. With drinks flowing from the bar and a surfeit of neon yellow Aerobies decorating peoples’ heads, the 27 hopeful baristas began to press with all their might. MCs Ben Kaminsky and Tim Varney offered colorful commentary and playful repartee throughout.

The Aeropress  œstage 
The Aeropress œstage 
David Robson, Scottish Aeropress champ
David Robson, Scottish Aeropress champ
Kalle Freese, Finninsh barista champ 2013
Kalle Freese, Finninsh barista champ 2013

From 27 the field was narrowed to the final 3: Jeff Verellen from Belgium (last year’s world Aeropress champion); Martin KarabiňoÅ¡ of Slovakia; and Shuichi Sasaki of Japan.

The final round commenced and spectators peered on intently ”almost as intently as the baristas were brewing their coffees.

The spectators were as enthusiastic as the participants.
The spectators were as enthusiastic as the participants.
Shiuchi Sasaki
Shiuchi Sasaki
Martin from Slovakia
Martin from Slovakia
Jeff Verellen of Belgium
Jeff Verellen of Belgium

The trio of judges (James Hoffman, Tim Wendelboe, and Tim Williams/Styles) sipped and slurped for a while. Tensions mounted as they deliberated over which brew was the best. Finally it was time to pick one ¦

Isa Verschragen watches nervously
Isa Verschragen watches nervously
Judges get ready to point
Judges get ready to point
They all pick a different cup
They all pick a different cup
MC Ben can't believe it!
MC Ben can’t believe it!

¦but the vote was far from unanimous. They all pick a different cup, so Tim Varney and his impeccable taste buds are brought in to break the tie.

Tim Varney breaks the tie
Tim Varney breaks the tie
The three finalists line up to hear the results...
The three finalists line up to hear the results…
And the announcement of the winner...
And the announcement of the winner…

Standing upon the podiums like Roman gods, the three finalists waited to hear who would be taking home the golden Aeropress. Jeff Verellen took third place, Martin Karabiňoš came second, and Shuichi Sasaki came away victorious.

After the competition, there was no other course of action except to dance, drink, throw Aerobies, and enjoy the beautiful beach setting provided by La Marzocco

Björg of Supersonic Coffee, and Gabriel.
Björg of Supersonic Coffee, and Gabriel.

And dance we did, until the sun was long gone and the ice ran out at the bar. Eventually the speakers had to be turned off, so everyone wandered off down the  spiaggia  in search of pizza, piadinas, and gelato, ready for a few hours sleep before doing it all again the next day.

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Barista Magazine is the leading trade magazine in the world for the professional coffee community.

1 Comment

  1. Pssst, the guy on that last picture next to Björg is Eystein Veflingstad, national AeroPress Champion 2014 from Norway -and also one of the Judges in the Norwegian Roasting Competition 2014. Worked for Oslo Roaster ‘Lippe’, currently moving to Brasil to work with coffee there 🙂

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